Chapter Two

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“Brix, do you… cut?” Oli stammered.

“Oli I...” I started. Oli, lifting my arm, cut me off and kissed every single scar that scattered my wrist.

“Brix, promise me that you will never cut again, and, if you have an urge, that you’ll talk to me or someone about how you feel.” Oli asked with tears in his eyes.

“Oli, we just met.” I sighed.

“I don’t give a fuck!” he yelled. Everyone was looking at us now.

“Oli, okay. Okay. I will call you. I promise.”

“Good,” he smiled. “Now, let’s get you to your next class!”

We made our way down the hall, in the opposite direction of the way I was first going, I might add, and eventually made it to my next class. On the way there, I learned that Oli was in a band called Bring Me The Horizon. Apparently, they did some heavy metal stuff. I knew I liked this kid.

“Oh, wait!” Oli stopped right outside of the classroom door. “Give me your phone.”


“I need to give you my number, silly.”

“Oh.” Boy, I felt stupid.

“Here you go.” he said as he handed me my phone back. “Call whenever. I always have my mobile on me.”

“Hey, Oli?” I called after him. “Thanks. You’re the first person to ever care.”

“Well, then, you’re very welcome.”

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