Chapter Three

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        The rest of the day went by smoothly and without another hallway mishap. Oli was in most of my classes. Along with music, he was in my maths, psychology, and language class. We basically talked all day long. I learned that, along with being in a band, Oli wants to own his own clothing line. He also has a brother named Tom and all of his band members go to this school, too. Oli invited me to their band practice today, and we’re headed over there right now.

“The guys should be waiting for us at my car.” Oli explained as we passed through the front doors.

When we got to Oli’s SUV, there were five other skinny jean-clad guys waiting for us. You could definitely tell that they were in a metal-core band.

“Hey, guys!” Oli called. “This is Brix, she’s new here and she’s gonna come check out our band.”

“Cool!” one guy with long blond hair said. “I’m Lee. That’s Matt Nicholls, Matt Kean, and Curtis Ward. Matt Nicholls is just called Nicholls and Matt Kean is called Vegan because two Matts is too confusing.”  

    “Awesome! Like Oli said, I’m Brix.” I responded.

    “So, to practice?” Oli inferred.

    “Let’s go!” Curtis replied.


    “You’re telling me that you seriously named your song ‘Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick’”? I laughed.

    “You have to keep in mind, we were absolutely pissed!” Vegan laughed back.

    “It sounded really cool at the time!” Oli defended through his chuckles.

    “You guys are so weird! But I like it!” I giggled.

    “Good because we want you to stay around for awhile, you’re really cool.” Lee said as he patted my shoulder.

    “Oh, just wait ‘til you really get to know me! I’ll be really annoying and you’ll be wishing I’d leave!” I teased.

    “Doubt it,” Oli responded.

    “Mehh!” I retorted as I stuck my tongue out.

    “Oi! You fuckers hungry?” Curtis called from the kitchen.

    “That’s the stupidest question you’ve ever asked! Bring on the food!” Lee called back.

    “I hope you don’t mind our… how do I put it?... obnoxiousness.” Oli whispered.

    “Not at all. You guys are my kinda crowd. I was worried there wouldn’t be anyone like you guys here.” I consoled.

    “What can I say? We’re one of a kind.”

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