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My mother needed to run errands today, and I was forced to take the school bus. On the way home, I knew that the last thing I would do was ride that again.

I asked my friend Emily, the one with the strawberry blonde hair to give me a ride, but she lived on the other side of town.

Walking out of the school building, I was prepared to walk the considerably short ten-minute walk home, when I heard you run up to me.

"Hey Liv, where are you going?" You adjusted your beanie and your copper curls shone in the daylight. I looked at you and rolled my eyes.

"Home, where else?" I looked at you again, and your eyes were a perfect blend of blue and green, not blue, not green, but not right in between to create an unappealing sludgy colour.

"I'll walk you home." You say, and keep my pace. I have to admit, I enjoy your company.

one hundred waysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang