School Boy

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Finally I got to school, and guess who waiting for me.......  It's that slut I was telling you about!  She said we had to talk after school or something.  I know what your thinking. I thought you said you have social issues you lying bitch And to that I say nae.  For one one I am not a bitch and for two Im not quite sure I have social issues more so than just girl problems. I just take the meds because they make me horny.  Ok finally it's lunch time.  And looks who's  running my way... fast... HOLY SHIT SLOW DOWN!!!!! *she grabs my shirt and runs* "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TAKING ME!!!" She takes me to the science room closet, Great choice I may add. I ask her, "what the fuck are you doing."  "Don't talk, just touch," now I don't quite know what she meant by that because if I'm being honest I haven't had much experience with this whole one on one sex thing, so I ran. yet again I still know what your saying, "Justin you missed your chance on gettin sum of that hot American pussy!  Your probably never gonna get that chance again!" Yes, I know that, but I just perform better when there's no audience.  It's even awkward when my cat watches me.  She stares at me like she's better than me.  She has this face of disgust, but Yet she licks her self to sleep, and I know you spend extra time in your special parts Mr. Snowball!  Thanks to him I have to lock my door now just so my cat doesn't lower my self esteem and I can keep the tiny bit of pride I have left.  That's what I like about you; I can tell you anything and you don't judge me.  no matter what it is.  That's the reason I'm writing this sexy loved novel, so I can express my love life, but I'm seriously regretting running away at this moment.  I think I'm gonna go get some water I might just be thirsty.  Why is my lotion all the way on the other side off my room?  I don't even jerk off in that corner. That's the creepy weird corner where my friends sleep.  I think my room might be possessed, or maybe just the meds kicked in; I finished 2 bottles so you know I had plans tonight.  Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to go so sleep with a stiff pickle.  Or do I?  Maybe ambers still awake!!! *grabs phone* wait what was her number again?..... I hate my life.

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