~2~ rebel rebel

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The storm really picked up as I was heading around town. It was night time, and my sight wasn't doing so well. I began to question why I had even left when a van pulled across both lanes on the road, forcing me to a stop. The driver was looking right at me as if he wanted my attention.
"What's the big idea?" I asked.
They probably couldn't hear me, their windows were up.
"Wanna join the joyride baby doll?" Someone inside the van had rolled down a window and was yelling for me. As humiliated as I felt I climbed in the back because I had no other place to go. A guy stepped out and threw my brother's bike on the roof. He assured me it would be fine, though it wasn't the bike I was worried about. I asked them to turn up the radio and fell asleep on the van's shag carpet.
I woke up feeling someone watching me. Glancing up I noticed a guy with short hair and glasses watching me from across the place where I had fallen asleep. "Hello?" I said to him.
"Pardon what Morrison said to you last night. Calling you baby doll and considering this a joyride? We own the van and he was just drinking a bit too much." He said to me.
"Morrison?" I asked. I wasn't sure who any of these guys were.
"He's the dark haired guy up there asleep in the passenger seat..." He pointed. I glanced but just saw a bunch of curls hanging over the seat. "...anyway he can act like he has a huge ego sometimes. But he's a sweet guy..." He had a faraway look in his eyes.
"And you are?" I asked.
"Oh sorry. My name is Ray. Ray Manzarek." He held out his hand for me to shake. I took it. "My name is Lola, nice to meet you" I said, grinning. These guys seemed like dorks. I loved them already.
We talked for a long time while the van was headed along. I had no clue where we were headed but the thought of asking never occurred to me. I told Ray about my writing and he told me that "Morrison" wrote poetry too. I really dug the idea of meeting another poet, but he was still fast asleep. I had finally checked out the van when the sun came up. There were a couple bench seats, one where Ray sat and one behind the driver, and there were designs hanging or written on the walls. It looked like someone had gone all out on decorating. There was also a couple of guys asleep on the bench seat, one leaning on the other and the other leaning on the window. I giggled when I first noticed them. There were amps behind me and what appeared to be instrument cases. I wasn't sure how I had missed all of this the night before, but decided I was under enough stress to not worry about it. "Raaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" A giant roaring noise interrupted my thoughts. Morrison had awakened.

Moonlight Drive: a Jim Morrison & the Doors fanficWhere stories live. Discover now