The Girls

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I am not crazy.

But let me explain something.

I am loyal. I am a fighter, but I am also a lover. So if you take advantage of that love, the love I try so hard to get, and often give, I will destroy you.

...That was dramatic. But nevermind that, I'm Julissa!

I'm in my last year of high school at Larkshore High, so everything I do from now on MUST be epic. Not that it wasn't before.

I'm known to be the best party planner in our grade, so naturally, I'm throwing a huge end of year party to celebrate the last time that I will be surrounded by my high school buddies...and admirers!

It's taken a lot of planning on my part, especially juggling this with the last of my boring exams, but I did it! I crossed every 't' and dotted every 'i', while leaving room for something crazy to happen of course...

But not too crazy because of my jealous and boringly over-protective boyfriend Evan. I swear sometimes he is just such a pain in the ass. I appreciate his need to make sure I'm always okay and never going 'overboard' at parties.

But honestly can't a girl live? The last party was pretty lowkey. Only 100 people showed up, and this time, no one shaved the neighbour's cat or jumped into the pool from the roof like last time.

Evan is a really great boyfriend though. Caring, smart and handsome. We've been dating for almost a year now.

For me, this relationship is not a fling. I actually see myself with Evan after high school, in university and beyond. We talked about it, and he was afraid I'd break up with him, just because he's going to college and I'm taking the year off to travel and relax. As if I'd let him go for that! He is my rock and one of my best friends.

Personally, I believe that distance is a good way to test and strengthen a relationship.

I'm not worried about him going to college and being around college girls.

But should I be?

No. I don't think so. He hasn't given me a reason to doubt his loyalty.

Sometimes I find him hard to read though, but not when he says, "Jules, why would I ever cheat on the greatest girlfriend ever?"

Isn't he the sweetest?

We've known each other since junior high and have always been great friends first. He only swooped into the picture to save me from the deep state of sadness I was in after my last relationship, which I took very seriously.

That is until icky Ricky cheated on me...Just like my mom cheated on my dad.

Enough of that though. I am happy now with my best friend and NON-CHEATING boyfriend Evan. Nothing could ever come between us!

I trust him completely to go and test the capacity of his brain in a school that is an hour away from home.

While he's doing that, I'll be focused on my travel blog, taking three to five trips to produce excellent content for the year.

Like I said, he's my best friend. We'll be fine.

Speaking of, how could I forget about my other best friend Nancy!? Her and I are like two peas in a pod...


It's our final year! Woohoo!

It's been such a wild ride. Especially when you have a friend like Julissa.

Julissa and I have known each other before we could even talk. Growing up we were always good friends, but we officially became best friends in Grade 2.

I remember this day like it was yesterday. We were sitting separately in Mr.Karim's math class, waiting for him to come back with extra rulers for the kids who didn't have any.

Before he got back, a very mean child named Jill came up to my desk and demanded I give her my Hello Kitty ruler because she didn't want to use the stinky old yellow rulers. Of course I refused. And that's when she grabbed and pulled on my two braids.

Julissa got up quickly to stomp on Jill's tiny toes. She told Jill to never try to steal something from me or hurt me ever again. When Mr.Karim walked in he gave all three of us detentions for our disruptive behaviour, but it was honestly worth it. The thing with Julissa is that she could never tolerate bullies.

Ever since that day, Julissa and I spent as much time together as we possibly could. We would sit together at lunch and Jill never bothered me again even though I knew she wanted to (she left mean notes in my locker on occasion). We would have play dates at each other's houses, and even join each other's summer family trips.

From elementary blues, to middle school roller coasters, to where we are now, I honestly couldn't imagine my life without Julissa. It's crazy to think that we are high school seniors on our way to university.

Well, I plan on going to university. I'm pretty sure Julissa's words were, "Ugh do this all over again for four years? No thanks!"

Thankfully, she won't be wasting her time completely, as she'll be visiting  scenic countries for 'Travel with Jules', her travel and lifestyle blog.

Personally, I worked my butt off to get good grades so I could atleast have two or three school choices. Thankfully, my hard work paid off because I'll be attending the University of British Columbia in Vancouver this coming fall.

I'll be studying for a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Julissa says I'll be great at that because I always try to analyze her and people around me.

I can't help finding social processes, personality, abnormal behaviour and neurological disorders fascinating.

Julissa will probably be joining us after that travel gap year due to 'FOMO'. If there's one thing she hates, it's missing out on social events and inside jokes.

But for now, I'm going to enjoy the time we have. Julissa is throwing this huge party at her mom's amazingly big house, so that's going to be awesome!

I probably shouldn't say anything but...Her parents divorced when she was 16 years old. It wasn't that long ago, and at times she pretends she's fine, but I can see that it deeply affected her and the way she now views romantic relationships.

I understand where she's coming from, because her parents were like the 'model' parents in our small city of Enderby.

Everyone looked up to them. Her mom cheated on her dad and it was not pretty... It was the talk of the whole town. Julissa missed two weeks of school when it happened. It pretty much ruined the relationship she had with her mom.

Which is why whenever Julissa's mom can help, like letting Julissa use her pristine home for an insane party, she jumps at the chance to try and mend things over.

Anyway, this party is happening next Friday which is perfect as I've just finished up with my exams, volunteering and extra credit.

Plus... I honestly need this celebration to get over my crush...

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