Chapter 8

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You awoke with a heavy heart, remembering that you and your daughter had to head back home and return to the normality of your life which subsequently meant having to leave your husband and not be able to see him for another 3 weeks is a blow to your heart. Of course you and Sebastian would skype and text everyday but it's not the same as being able to feel his arms wrapped tightly around your torso as he gave you the much needed reassuring words or having someone help you look after Catalina after enduring a tiring day.

"Hey don't be upset, I'll be following you home in a couple of weeks and then you'll be wanting me out the door after a day!" You chuckled as you could clearly imagine Seb doing something irritating.

His arms pulled you closer to his body, instantly warming you up. His body is like a human radiator, always warming you up when you need it the most. "It's just that I'm going to miss you so much and I hate having to leave you." You couldn't help the tears that began to well up in the corners of your eyes. "And then there's Cat, she misses having a father around and let's face it whatever new storyline she wants to act out I'm never able to portray the role as well as you do much to her annoyance!" you both laugh as Sebastian imitates your daughter when she tells you off for not being a good enough actor.

"I'll give you that one, she doesn't like your acting skills at all!" another round of laughter escapes your lips. The tears that once beckoned to fall have now vanished and been replaced with laughs straight from the belly.

Having decided that you needed to actually get out of bed and start the day, instead of just lounging in bed all day, you headed to the bathroom to wash away all the dirt that clung to your body. The hot water poured over your body and pounded against your back like how the water falls from a powerful waterfall. As the water washed down the drain so did the remorse of having to leave your husband and head back to your ordinary life. As much as you had loved the long weekend that you had spent at comic con you were glad to be heading back to the real world, you could never survive the life of an actor the way that Sebastian could. You needed routines and structure in your life, you weren't afraid of change but knowing what you were doing the next week and the comfort of being in your home brought peace to your mind like nothing else could.

Stepping out of the warm shower and into the cool bathroom was like stepping out of your house on a cold winter day and realising that you weren't wearing enough layers. You grabbed the big fluffy towel that had been resting on the heated towel rack and enveloped yourself in its warmth. After having dried yourself and changed into comfort clothes, perfect for a long car journey, you dried your hair, which took an eternity with the shear amount of it, and out a small amount of make up on. You re-entered the bedroom and saw Catalina and Sebastian making a fort with the blankets. As you watched the pair of them play you wanted to expand your little family even more. You'd imagined what it would be like to have two children before and all the difficulties that came with it but the thought of Catalina being able to play with her little brother or sister always made all the negatives vanish.

"Is mummy allowed into your fort?" you posed the question to your 3 year old.


"That's not a very nice thing to say to mummy." Sebastian reprimanded Catalina.

"Fine then, I'll just take your fort down and pack away all your toys and I won't let you have any of your toys in the car." As cruel as it would be to do any of that and the fact that you would never stop your daughter from playing and letting her imagination run wild you still threatened her. She was still too young to know that it was an empty threat and in no time you heard an over excited yes followed by a quick apology for not letting you play in the first place.

The three of you played in the fort, creating an extravagant storyline with dragons and princesses and of course a knight in shining armour who slayed the three headed dragon and rescued the two princesses from the castle. But before too long it was time that you and Catalina needed to head home. You tidied away the fort whilst Sebastian helped Catalina pack her little backpack with all the things she needed for the car journey. In a short time you were both ready to leave comic con and Sebastian.

Arms quickly wrapped around you as Sebastian pulled you close to his body. Your hands clutched to his top as you breathed in his musky scent. His chin rested on your shoulder as he closed his eyes and remembered the smell and feel of your freshly washed hair. He whispered in your ear, "I love you" and you pulled away slightly so that you could plant your lips on his. It was a short kiss as you both knew that your daughter was standing next to you but you felt every last bit of love. As you parted you rested your forehead against his as a single tear fell from your eye.

"Hey you promised me no tears," his large thumb wiped away the tear that was falling down your cheek, "I'll be home before you know it. I love you so much, promise me you won't ever forget that."

"I promise and I love you to!" you kissed him once more but then parted so that Seb could say goodbye to Catalina.

He bent down so that he was at the same height as Catalina. "Now you've got to promise to look after mummy for me until I get back. If she starts crying giving her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek for me!"

"Promise!" Sebastian pulled out his pinkie finger and the pair pinkie promised. Sebastian hugged her so that she couldn't see the tear that was beginning to fall from his eyes.

After one last family hug you headed out the room, out the hotel and down towards your car. You placed your suitcase in the boot and strapped Catalina into her car seat. As you left the car park you and Catalina waved a final goodbye even though you both knew that Seb wouldn't be able to see.

You had had the best weekend with Sebastian and you couldn't wait to create more memories and to share some more experiences together. You still felt like the luckiest girl on the planet being able to call Sebastian your husband and to know that he loved you.


Hey guys,

So it's finished, I hoped you liked it! But don't worry this is not the end of Sebastian, Maddie and Catalina's story. I have a new short story in my mind itching to be written. I will try and get the first chapter of it up over the weekend, but no promises!

I hope you have a nice Easter weekend (if you celebrate Easter) and a nice Friday night with Stan!

I love you lots and thanks for sticking with me through this book (even though it was only a short story!)

Izzy xx

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