Chapter 7

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It was soon reaching 8 o'clock and Catalina was still out with Chris and Mackie, to be quite honest with yourself you were missing her. She had only been gone for 12 hours but it already felt like a lifetime, you can't understand how Sebastian manages to leave her for so long.

"She'll be back soon," Sebastian called to you from the sofa where his body was sprawled out, you had been trying to busy yourself by trying to do a million and one things, "and before you know it you'll want another day of peace and quiet!" a gasp escaped your lips as your turned back to face Seb with a slightly real shocked face, "what you will! She'll soon be demanding you to do this and that and you'll be running around picking up all sorts of things from socks to crayons." Your pout became more prominent which only caused your husband to start laughing.

Soon you were also laughing and in no short time you had tears streaming down your face. Sebastian always managed to make you smile and laugh when you were upset or worried about something even if it meant making himself look stupid in order to humour you. "Queen Catalina will be back and we will go back to playing the roles of her servants having to do all her duties!" you clutched your side as more laughter filled the air.

"Mummy where's my dinner?" Sebastian said in his best toddler voice.

"Daddy I don't want to go to bed now I think you should go instead!" You quoted one of your favourite lines that your daughter had spouted one evening. Thinking about it today still brought tears to your eyes. The steely look of determination from your daughter that covered her face as she demanded her father to go to bed.

"She really wasn't keen on going to bed that night even after she had tucked me in and read me her favourite bedtime story herself!" Sebastian, being the actor that he is, adopted to this new role the best he could and had tried to obey every one of Catalina's obligations.

A knock on the door halted your laughter. "Mummy open the door now I want to play with you and daddy!" you instantly broke down into another fit of hysterics as you heard the new requirement set by your daughter. "I'm waiting mummy!" before she could grow even more impatient, a trait she had learned from her father, you answered the day. Catalina strode into your suite as if she truly was the queen and this was her castle, behind her stood an exhausted looking Chris and an even more tired looking Mackie.

"Remind me to never had kids." Anthony said as he leant against the door frame to hold himself up.

"I've never felt this drained even after an 18 hour shoot," Chris handed her backpack to Seb before collapsing on the sofa, "how do you two cope?" his eyes widened with fear as Catalina grabbed his hand and dragged him to the floor so that she could play with him some more.

"Try living with her then you'll know what real exhaustion feels like!" you remarked as you scooped Catalina up into your arms "We need to let Chris leave now before he falls asleep on the floor." You placed a soft kiss to her head and stroked her hair.

"What do we say to Chris and Mackie?" Sebastian pushed, you were in the middle of teaching Catalina manners, most of the time she was amazing and said all her pleases and thank yous but it hadn't been an easy process.

"Thank you Chris and Mackie today was fun. I can't wait to play with you again!" Catalina let out a large yawn, one to match the one crossing Mackie's face.

"We'll see you tomorrow princes, sleep well. We love you!" Chris blew a kiss which Catalina pretended to catch and place on her check. Her eyes were slowly dropping and she was becoming more relaxed and still in your arms.

"Right miss let's have a bath and then you need to go to sleep!" Seb took Catalina out of your arms and into the bathroom. You sympathised with Chris and Mackie having felt the full extent to Catalina many times and knowing how truly exhausting she can be. It's a lot easier to look after her when Sebastian is there with you but when he is away working you felt worn out all the time, it made you appreciate single mothers more than anything. You know that the tiredness would only increase if you and Sebastian managed to have another baby but being tired all the time is a consequence you are willing to make if it means that you and Sebastian would have another child to watch grow up in front of your eyes.

With that in your mind you took the opportunity of Seb getting Catalina ready for bed to change into Seb's old shirt and to get under the covers. Once again you fell asleep surrounded by your two favourite people and with a smile spread across all three of your faces.


Hey guys,

I hope you have a nice Friday night with Stan!

I'm sorry that I didn't upload last week I was busy and couldn't find any time to write and upload another chapter.

The next chapter should be the last chapter but if my plans change and I end up making it into two chapters I'll let you know!

Izzy xx

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