Chapter 1

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You missed him. You missed the way his colossal hands fit perfectly into your hips, you missed the sweet scent that wafted through your apartment when he stepped out of the shower, you missed the loud booming laugh that always followed after your daughter made a funny remark or tried to pronounce a word, you missed the way his hair flopped onto the pillow when he first arose in the morning and the way it felt when your hands ran through the velvety goodness, you missed the days that the three of you would lounge on the sofa and watch endless Disney films with mountains of popcorn, but most of all you missed him.

He miss you. He missed the way your bottom lip would get caught between your teeth when solving the daily crossword in the paper, he missed the way you snuggled into his side in the evening when watching your favourite TV programme, he missed the conversations that you and your daughter shared about everything and nothing, he missed the sound of your quiet humming when cooking dinner, he missed the feel of your soft hair against his hands as he would attempt to braid it, he missed the songs that you and your daughter belted out to throughout the apartment, he missed the comfort and reassurance you gave him after a hard day, but most of all he missed you.

Sebastian had been away promoting his new film, Captain America: Civil War, for months whilst you had stayed at your apartment on the edge of New York City with your 3 year old daughter, Catalina. She was the spitting image of her Romanian father with his floppy brown hair, steel blue eyes and a cute dimple which inly appeared when she was smiling. Of course you and Sebastian had spent time away from each other when he had been promoting other films but this was the longest he had been gone since you had given birth to Catalina and you were exhausted! The substantial amount of time you had spent on facetime with each other or the copious amount of texts you had sent throughout the long days just wasn't enough for the pair of you.

You had been receiving lots of photos from Chris and Mackie of Sebastian with a glum expression gracing his beautiful features and you could tell your daughter was missing having her father reading her a bedtime story. Having enough of your two favourite people mopping around you had decided to surprise Sebastian at Comic Con.

"Catalina it's time for breakfast!" you called out to the living room where she had been watching her favourite cartoons. You couldn't help the little bit of excitement in your voice as you would be seeing Sebastian tomorrow.

Catalina trudged into the kitchen-dinner with her favourite soft toy that Sebastian had brought her when she was only very young in one hand and her Captain America teddy bear that of course her 'uncle' Steve had gotten her! The two toys were extensions to her body, never leaving the house with at least one of them with her at all times. She placed them down on the seat next to her as she tucked into a bowl of coco-pops, her favourite, whilst your phone buzzed on the kitchen counter signalling that Sebastian had texted you. Every morning, without fail, Sebastian sent a good morning text and checked in on his two favourite girls even if he was on the other side of the world and it was currently 1 o'clock in the morning.

You had told your plans of surprising Sebastian to his manager and you and she had arranged everything together. She was the only one aware of your plans as you couldn't trust Seb's other cast mates in case they opened their big mouths and ruin the surprise for you!

By the time Catalina had finished her bowl of cereal you had replied to Sebastian and had sent him pictures of your daughter smiling sweetly at the camera for him with her toothy grin and dimple on show which caused him to send you a picture with an equally toothy grin and the same dimple that featured on Catalina's face.

After picking out a cute but equally comfy outfit for you to wear for the long car journey in front of you, you clothed Catalina and had brushed her mop of chocolate brown locks into a ponytail that would hopefully stay in all day. All that was left to do was brush yours and Catalina's teeth, an activity that you liked to do together, and get in the car ready to surprise Sebastian as you had already packed the car with your suitcases and the essential car snacks that were always needed on a long car journey!

The pair of you were ready to give Sebastian the best surprise whether Catalina knew it or not!

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