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P= Perrie
J= Jesy

- P POV-
I could feel the sun shining from my curtains, my skin getting hotter at the slightest touch.
It's morning, probably the time of day I hate most. Yep you've probably guessed by now,
I am not a morning person! I like to sleep in fact I love to sleep, dreaming is probably my favorite thing to do.

I got out of bed and put on my bunny slippers, I'm childish I know. YOLO right?
After making my bed I walked over to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit. 'How about jeans and a crop top' I thought.
I placed it on my bed and headed to the shower, just the thought of showering annoys me. Now before you think I'm lazy and gross, I'm actually not I just prefer to not go through the hassle of washing my hair or body. Okay maybe I am lazy.

Finally after taking a shower, doing my hair, makeup, and getting dressed i walked downstairs. It's breakfast time! Remember when I said dreaming was my favorite thing to do? Well I was wrong, eating is.
I turned on '2017's top hits' before making myself some pancakes.

Once eaten I plopped the plates into the sink, and grabbed all my belongings. Just before locking up and heading to my car.

'This is gonna be a long day' I thought.

The blonde girl named Perrie.. (pesy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now