Chapter 10: Drunk on Love

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When Alberta quickly walked out the room, not saying a word, she collided with a guy. 

He held her shoulders, making her stop in her tracks.

"Let go of me, Noah," she whispered, voice cracking. Although she looked like she didn't want to be here, she didn't exactly pull away from him.

"You're crying." Noah stroked her hair. "What's wrong?"

"Rowan is with a girl," I informed. "Backyard."


Noah stared at me. He was glaring, but not necessarily at me but at what I'd said. "Take her home. Now." He quickly ran out, as if he understood the situation.

"Adri," I called when I saw her.

She was smiling brightly. "What??"

"Let's go home."

She frowned. "Why?" She looked at Alberta and she took a deep breath, as if she was contemplating whether or not to go with us. "Sorry, guys, gotta go." I saw Michael's hand untangle from hers.

"See you at the dance tomorrow?" he asked.

"Maybe." She walked out a couple steps ahead as I tried to make Alberta to walk a little faster.

There I was with two girls, one in tears and one annoyed, but still somewhat happy. Adri skipped so jelly she'd sometimes trip on her feet, but that didn't stop her from skipping.

The streetlights that lit the streets gave an sad feeling. They were almost purposeless because the sun hadn't gone down all the way, but there they were, trying to brighten the streets.

"I was actually having fun for once, and you guys drag me out," Adri complained. She seemed kinda angry but when we arrived home and Avi questioned why we were back so early, she said, "I was a little partied out. Had fun, though." She protected her older sister from prying questions or from getting caught with her outfit.

I got changed in my room and went to Alberta's room. The door was shut, so I knocked. She didn't say anything.

"Don't bother. Give her an hour and she might let you in."

I looked up Adri.

"Wanna come in?" she smiled as she gestured to her room. She was talking so weirdly. Why was she inviting? Why is she such an extrovert now?

I had never expected that question from her so I took the offer before she could take it back.
I guess after seeing Alberta's room, I had been expecting something similar but it was pretty basic. Nothing to fancy or seemingly expensive. I guess it's because people don't really hang out at her room.

What was really special about her room was the number of photos. They were everywhere walls, closet, doors, and ceiling (hanging from and on the ceiling). I kid you not. The same way that Rapunzel couldn't find space for a new painting, there didn't seem to be a lot of space left on the walls. Her bedroom in general was messy, probably because she never let her mom clean for her.

I wasn't sure where to sit until she opened the door to her porch. I went out and sat on a chair. She shut the door behind her, a can of coke in each hand and a camera around her neck.

She handed me a coke.

"Where'd you get this from?"

"Mini fridge in my room." She nodded, "my mom regrets getting it for me because I can go for days without going out my room."

I didn't know what to say. She and I were sitting together, becoming friends. I thought this would be so hard, getting closer to her, afraid she wouldn't let me in and yet here I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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