Chapter 7: Please Adopt Me

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I thought their front yard was really big... but then I saw their backyard. Like you can fit the square area of the base of my house in their backyard and there'd still be extra space. Is this place even for real? How do they afford all this shaz with just a mom who gave piano and voice lesson and whatever their dad does?

The most of the others took thirds or fourths of ice cream but I decided not to. I was basically a health addict so..

I sat at the feet of a large tree, by Daphne who was on the swing attached to the tree. She had a little bit of everything in her waffle bowl. She complained to me about her new braces. I told her that I used to have braces, too and that it was all worth it at the end.

"How long did you have yours?"

"I don't know. Half a year?"

"Dentist says that I'll be needing about 24 months." She stuffed her mouth with more ice cream. "At least I'm still allowed to eat ice cream."

She asked me more things about when I was her age. Our topic changed to her family so I got to know more. Apparently she and Casey were siblings but they were both fosters last that got adopted during the school year.

"I was wondering why the others looked so alike and then there were you two. I thought that maybe everyone else took after their mom and you and Case took after your father."

She laughed. "We don't look like them, right? They all have dark hair and with perf skin and there's Casey and me with red hair and our severely freckled faces."

"I thought that you guys were ginger because of your dad or something. Your eyes are light brown, too. Their's is like.. what color? Grey, right?"

Daphne nodded. "Mom's are green and Dad's are blue. Ally's change colors from green to blue to brown. Adri and Abby's are grey."

I thought for a second until the question popped in my head. "Who's Mr. Carepelli? Why isn't he home?" Daphne didn't answer quick enough so I shook my head, saying, "Nevermind. Is it like a no-no topic?"

She laughed. "No, it's not like that. He's alive. He's still our dad. Mom's still married to him and all with no divorce. He's busy, though. I don't know him well either because I didn't grow up with him because I've only been adopted for a year plus another 6 months from being fostered but I mean, he seems chill."

"Where is he?"

".. At LA? He's with a friend."

"Sweet. I've always wanted to go to visit."

She finished her bowl. "I'm going to get more ice cream."

"Big appetite?"

She blew me a raspberry. "Shh." Soon, she came jogging back with another waffle bowl stacked with vanilla ice cream, homemade whipped cream and chocolate fudge, crushed graham and waffle bits, and a whole lot of mini marshmallows. Under her other arm she had a big fat book under it.

"S'more's theme, huh?" I said, pointing at her bowl.

She nodded. "Look at what I got you!" She sat down and handed me the book which turned out to be a big scrapbook.

I turned the black cover, which had stickers all over it. It was dated 3 years ago on Jan. 20. Despite the messy and childish cover, the inside was much neater and professional-looking. It looked legit with those artsy-crafty shaz. Behind the cover, in a pretty, white, fancy, handwriting it said:

Happy Anniversary!


Taking most photos- Adri

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