Why was this happening to her and Hank? What did they do to deserve this? Erin had never had a family in her life until Hank and his wife took her in that's when she finally had a true family, she had parents that cared about her, a little brother that she loved dearly. All that had changed when Camille passed away, they all took it hard. Then when Jordan had entered their lives they had gotten some happiness back, Hank had a little girl, Justin and Erin had a little sister. Justin then married Olive shortly after Daniel was born and everything changed again, Justin had died, Olive moved to Arizona with Daniel and their family was broke again. If they lost Jordan that would be their demise.

When the elevator dinged to let her off on the floor she stepped out and headed to the restroom to wash her face, Erin looked in the mirror and saw her face, her eyes were blood red from crying, makeup smeared on her cheeks. She turned the faucet on and gathered some water in her hands and splashed her face with it a couple of times, she then grabbed a couple of paper towels and dried her face. The smeared makeup was gone, her eyes were slightly red, she splashed a little more water on her face. Once she finished she quickly washed her hands the dried them, she left the bathroom going to her sister's room.

Hank sat by his daughter's bedside for what seemed like many hours, Jordan was still out and would be for a while. He just held her hand the whole time not letting go for even a second, Erin knocked softly on the door getting his attention.

"Hey come in". Hanks tells her.

Erin enters the room going to her sister's side gently caressing her cheek with her index finger. "You can fight this Jordy I know you can". She then placed a kiss on her forehead.

Erin then turned towards Hank. "I need to talk to you outside".

"Everything ok?"

"Let's talk outside".

The two went out into the hallway and Erin began.

"I may know who did this to Jo". She said.

"Who?" Hank's voice became dangerous.

"Charlie. Earlier Annie called me and I think she was about to tell me something, I had Mouse trace her phone and she was at her house". Her voice began to get shaky. "Charlie found her and killed her. I think she was trying to tell me that Charlie did something to Jo".

Hank's face was no longer sad it now held a dangerous look and Erin knew it all too well it was the same look he had when Justin was killed. His brown eyes were full of anger and rage. The older father began to walk away just as Erin was chasing after him.

"Hank. Hank where are you going?" Erin called out.

"I'm going to go get rid of that son of a bitch once and for all, this time he's gone too far". Hank's voice held a dangerous murderous tone.

"You need to stop and think about this. Think about Jordan".

"I'm doing this for her and for you. He's not gonna stop until he's dead or in jail".

"This is what he wants Hank, he wants you to leave Jo to go look for him because as soon as you leave something happens to Jo I know how he rolls".

"He needs to be stopped and I'll be the one to do it".

Before Erin could even say another word Hank walked off just as she went back to her sister's room, she sat beside Jordan gently stroking her hair back.

Hank was making his way back to his team who was still in the waiting room, the unit just sat there still worried about the young teen. Antonio and Olinsky couldn't imagine what Voight was going through.

"You ok man?" Olinsky asked.

"Voight must be a mess, I wouldn't be able to do anything if this was happening to Eva or Diego". Antonio replied.

"I feel you man, if that was Lexi in the hospital bed I wouldn't know what to do".

"I'd go out of my mind".

Hank then walked up to his team and they all stood up.

"How is she?" Jay asked.

"She's stable, right now she's hooked up to an IV which is giving her the chemo. She's asleep right now". Voight answered. He paused for a minute before continuing. "I want a BOLO out for Charlie Pugliese".

"You think he did this?" Kevin asked.

"Erin told me that earlier tonight when Annie called she was about to say something about Charlie but before she could that bastard killed Annie". He then looked over to Jay.

When Jay saw Voight look at him he took the hint and stepped away just as Voight followed him. Once the two were outside Jay began.

"I'm sorry boss, I should have told you but-" He was cut off by the older man.

"No apologies, you were following a lead and doing your job".

"So could I ask why we're out here?"

"I need you to keep an eye on Erin just so she doesn't do anything crazy".

"You don't think she would do anything crazy? I get this is personal for the both of you but she wouldn't do something like that".

"Jay you don't know what Erin will do. You don't know the lengths she'll go to for Jordan so I'm asking you please watch out for her".

"Will do".

The two walk back inside to the team.

"Alright listen up I have to go run an errand, I want Jordan's room guarded at all times. I'm a phone call away". Voight said.

"Where are you going?" Olinsky asked.

"To see someone".

With that said Voight walked away leaving everyone confused.

"Jay what were you guys talking about?" Ruzek asked.

"He asked me to keep an eye or Erin that's all". Jay answered.

"So where's he going?" Antonio asked.

Voight was driving his SUV when he got a text message it was an address and he began driving there once he arrived he shut his car off and got out.

"Hello Hank".

Voight looked to see where the voice came from and saw Charlie.

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