break in

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Lukas POV.
I heard a loud bang and some glass break so I woke up to go check it out. I didn't want to wake up Alex because he was so peaceful. As I walked down stairs I saw the kitchen window was broken "shit" I wisperd grabbing a knife out of the kitchen drawers and I snuck upstairs to get Alex so we can hide. "Alex we need to hide someone broke in".
I listed up the bed to see pillows and Alex not to be found. "Shit" I ran to the window and I see a car whip out of the driveway. I drop my knife and run after the car "ALEX!!!" I break down In tears. I run to my friends house Rachel will let me borrow her car. "Hey you ok Lukas?" Rachel says as she walks out of her house. "H-hes gone, his dad k-kidnaped him" I say through tears. Rachel gets in her car "let's get him friend" she says with a sad face. "What color was the car? And the license and direction?" She says. "Its a red van no license" I point in the direction they go and we soon follow. "Why didn't you call the police?" She asks again. "His dad gets around that stuff" I look at the ground. "I can't lose him". We soon stop at this old cabin and see Alex's father pushing Alex into the cabin. "What do we do now? We can't just go in there what if he has a gun" Rachel says dimming her headlights so no one can see us. I take a shaky breath "I don't know I'm not good with these situations, but I need to save him" I go to leave the car but Rachel grabs my arm. " if you die I'm keeping your soul eater shirt, and I'm going with" "No, you can't come its too dangerous and I can't lose you, your my best friend" I say. She sighs and hugs me " stay strong freind, I'm gonna stay here and wait for you". I get out and walk to the back because I don't want to be seen.

Alex POV.
I was asleep until I heard glass break. I freeked out because I thought Lukas got hurt so I ran to the living room to check and that's when someone covered my mouth and put me in a van. I couldn't see who it was because they were wearing a mask. I couldn't scream because they taped my mouth shut. I ended being in a old cabin and tied to a cair with my family. Tears streamed down my face. The man took of his mask and we all were (SHOOK jk jk) shocked. It was my biological dad he found us. More tears streamed down my face. "You took all the kids away from me" he yelled angrily at my mom. "You all deserve to die". He pulls out a gun and shoots my mom. I scream through the tape and cry harder. My siblings cry as well. Next he points the gun at me "your next faggot" he goes to shoot and I close my eyes, I never heard a gun shot just a loud thud. I look up to see Lukas holding a pan and my dad laying passed out on the floor.

Lukas POV.
I heard a gunshot and went to panic mode as I grabbed the first thing I can see, a pan and hit the man with it. He fell and I hit him again making sure he's out for good. Next I untape alex and his siblings running with them all to Rachel's car. "Holy shit your alive" she says through tears. I hug her tight and we all drive to the police station.

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