movie date

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Alex POV.
The next day I got on some nice outfit, why do I want to dress fancy I'm just asking someone on a date I tell myself. At lunch I couldn't eat I was just so nervous of him saying no, I was used to people saying no because all my life I've been rejected. I got up and walked to him, "exuse me Lukas can I talk to you" "sure" he said. "Will you like to go to the movies with me tonight after school?" He smiled and said yes. I got so exited as I walked to my class I couldn't stop smiling, I Alex wolf asked a boy on a date.

Lukas POV.
Did I just get asked on a date? Lukas asked himself as he started blushing. Wait. What am I doing? Am I even gay?. Ugh I'm confused. I need to tell him I didn't know what he ment.

Alex POV.
After school I was waiting for Lukas but he never came so I texted him. "Hey Lukas are you coming?" "I can't sorry I have band practice" I sighed and started walking home. Maybe next Friday we can.

Lukas POV.
I lied I just couldn't go. I like Alex and I think he's cool its just, no one even knows I'm gay, and I'm not sure I'm my feelings are fully there for Alex so I lied. My phone buzzed "hey Lukas you coming?" I lied "sorry I can't, got band practice" I felt bad for lying, I felt like I just shattered his heart.

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