first meet

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Me, destiny, brently,and Lukas all sat by eatchoer on the bus. We all played truth or dare until al our coach stopped us.
We  finally arrived to our destination and sat down Lukas just snuggled me because it was kinda cold out.

Alex POV.
What are you all running? "200x3" brently said, "100x2" destiny says. "800 and some hurdles" Lukas smiles" " I have 800 too hopefully I don't pass out"  its been two hours now and destiny and breantly ran already next was for me and Lukas to run the 800 that's 2 times around the whole track. I look at Lukas and smile as we all set our blocks, the gun shot and we took off. I started out fine but as I got towards the end I felt like I was gonna pass out the second time around I was slowing down and losing my valence, "come on Alex!!" I can hear everyone yelling. I got twards the end and collapsed, everything was black. "ALEX!!!" I hear Lukas yell as he ran too me with my inhailor. I could feel his arms wrap around me and hold me until I finally gained conciseness. "Are you ok Alex?" Destiny said worried. "We thought you died for a minute" brently said. I just nodded as I took another puff of my inhailor before getting up. Everyone clapped because I was ok and me and Lukas went to the concession stand to get pizza for all of us. As we went to cross the street Lukas yelled stop but it was to late..,

Lukas POV
We were crossing the street to get some pizza when I saw this guy driving pretty fast I yelled for him to stop but then "SKREECH" "ALEX?!! NO!!" I ran to him and lifted him up. "Alex please be ok" tears streamed down my face. "Someone call an ambulance please" I yelled. I kept holding him. "Please wake up Alex".

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