Chapter two

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Jamie's P.O.V 

'So Con whats new in your life' I asked Connor smiling.

'Am I'm in a band with my three best mates from school' Connor replied.

'Oh cool what are ye called' I asked

'The Vamps' Connor replied.

'Tell me about this band of yours' I replied

'Well I'm the bass guiarist and backing vocals, My friend Brad is the lead singer, My friend James is lead guiarist and my friend Tristan is the drummer' Con replied.

'Oh my god this is pretty cool do you like put up videos on youtube' I asked him smiling.

'Yup wanna see one' He replied.

'Sure' I replied and Connor pulled out his laptop and typed away on it for awhile and then turned the laptop so I could see it also. The cover they were doing was 'Why do you only call me when you're high' By the Arctic Monkeys.

The whole way through the song Connor just looked at me, Trying to see if I like it or not.

When the song finished Connor asked me 'Well did you like it'

'Nope' I replied.

'Oh' Connor replied frowning.

'I didn't like it I loved it' I sadi quickly becasue it looked like he was going to cry.

'Really' Connor asked me with a grin on his face.

'Yup' I replied popping the 'p'.


'What did we do now' Connor said.

'Your only back five minutes and we are already getting in trouble' Connor said and we both started laughing while walking down the stairs.

'There is my credit card go buy yourselves some clothes and what ever else ye need' Kim said handing her credit card to Connor.

'Oh no Kim seriously its okay' I replied quickly.

'Don't be silly go and enjoy yourselves' Kim said pushing me and Connor out the door which resulted both of us standing outside the house with out your coats or shoes on and Connor also had to get his car keys.

'Mam we cant go anywhere with our shoes or coats and I need my car keys open the door' Connor said knocking  on the door laughing. A few minutes later Kim opened the door and followed us around the whole making sure we go back out.

Kim gave me some clothes to change into (Blue jeans,A black top, a leather jacket and black boots) and she did my hair and put a little make up on me. She then told me what make up I should buy and what not to buy and about a half an hour later me and Connor were in the car on our way to the shopping centre.

We arrived around ten minutes ago.

'So jay what shop do you wanna go to first' Connor asked me.

I looked around for a few minute and then I say a shop called Choice and I grabbed a hold of Connor's hand and pulled him towards the shop.

After that we went to a shop that Connor wanted to go to and then we kept going like that. A few times people asked us if we were a couple and me and Connor would just start laughing and the person would walk away. A few guys would come up to me and try to flirt with me when we were in a shop looking for Connor but then Connor would get all protective even when he know I would never in a million years like more then half of them.

'Do you wanna go to starbucks' Connor asked me.

'What is starbucks' I asked him.

'Oh my god I have so much to show you' Connor said taking a hold of my wreist and we started walking towards what seemed like a cafe.

'what do you want' Connor asked me.

'I don't know give me Kim's card and I will get your and I can look at what they have and you can go get us a table' I replied to Connor, He handed me Kim's card and walked off the find a table after telling me he wanted hot chocalate with marshmollows and cream.

After ordering two hot chocolates I went to find Connor to see that he is talking to three other guys and the I reaisled them from the video Connor showed me earlier.

Connor noticed me walking towards them and geustered me to come over which got the other boys to look over in my direction.

'Well here goes nothing' I thought and started walking over to them.

Hey guys hope you like the chapter.

Let me know what ye think in the comments.

~Megan xxx

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