She didn't want to know who the lucky girl was, but her curiosity would kill her if she didn't. It would be funny if she started sobbing when he answers her question, right? What answer would she give him if he asked why she was crying?

Changkyun hummed, unsure whether to confess now or just give it up and leave.

"You?" Changkyun answered which sounded more like a question. Not wanting to hear any reply, he continued, "yes, you. I'm leaving now, see you tomorrow!"

He immediately left the place while Hanna stood still, more surprised than she already was.


"You're here?"

Hanna smiled as soon as she heard his voice. "Changkyun-ah!"

He sat across her in the café, two plates of cake and two cups of coffee displayed on their table.

"How was tutoring with Junhong?" Changkyun asked, slicing one side of his cake into a smaller piece. He placed it in his mouth and started chewing.

She grunted, "he's just playing around. But, I can still help him."

"By the way, isn't it supposed to be time for dinner? Why are we meeting at a café?" Hanna questioned the guy in front of her.

Changkyun laughed, slicing one more piece of the cake to eat. "Isn't it more romantic?" he winked as he looked at her face blush.

Hanna rolled her eyes while smiling, her cheeks heating up. "Whatever."

"Okay fine. Let's go and eat a light dinner after this," he smiled as well.


Day 30,

"Hanna," her father called out as she stepped foot in the house. She hummed as a response, indicating her presence.

"Remember your mother's event that she mentioned? Have you invited a friend?" Her father inquired once Hanna walked up to him. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room, casually watching television. He was waiting for the dinner to be ready.

Looking away, she denied. "I haven't thought of a friend I'm going with, but yes, I remember the event."

"It's in two days," Mr. Jeong informed.

Hanna's eyes bulged, "and you didn't tell me earlier?" She huffed in exasperation. Of all things, she hated rushing.

"Your dress' ready, anyway," her father shrugged. Her step-mother notified them that the food is ready.


After dinner, she went to her bedroom straight away, not caring about the stares burning on her back coming from her parents. Falling onto her bed, she sighed in relief. It was a heck of a day.

First of all, the fact that it was her last tutor session with Changkyun made her feel miserable inside. She'll admit, she couldn't imagine studying, especially with a nerd like him, for her final examinations. It was hard to believe. And it was harder to believe the fact that she actually enjoyed most of her sessions with him. So, to say that it was the last day, it was difficult to lie and say she's not upset about it.

Secondly, her step-mother's event that's been long forgotten suddenly popped out of nowhere today. How was that possible? Hanna thought that since her family didn't talk about it anymore after that day, the topic would subside and wouldn't revive anymore. Guess she was wrong about it. Now she had to think of someone to go with. Great.

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