four; i told you to come in disguise !

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She slips her phone down her sleeve after she sends the message to Kat. Her 'disguise' didn't have any pockets.

  People gave her weird looks, but if she was being honest with herself, she didn't give two hoots. Half of them were drunk anyway—they would forget her and her disguise in the morning. Plus, most of them would be too focused on getting their shit together for school that day. The day that she was going to arrive in style.

  Unbeknownst to them, she was looking for a certain group of people. She liked to call them 'the assholes'. 'The assholes' consisted of four main people, or as she calls them, earthlings. Of course she doesn't call them that out loud or people would think she was crazy. These four 'earthlings' were Zach Dempsey, Jeff Atkins, Justin Foley, and much to her disliking, The asshole. No, he doesn't have a name. In her mind it was just 'the Asshole'. It suited him perfectly.

  As she waited for Kat by the door, she began to ponder one of Life's biggest questions. Why is Ben and Jerry's ice cream so good? Although she didn't have much time to think about it before Kat showed up.

To say Kat was astonished was an understatement. She couldn't believe that Morgan had came dressed like that.

"What in the hell are you wearing?" Morgan noticed that the girl didn't look very impressed with her outfit. Not even in the slightest. Well, not everyone can admire true beauty in disguise when they see it.

"A disguise? Do you like it?" Morgan jumped up and down excitedly but decided to stop. She remembered what she was dressed as and realized that I t would look weird.

"By a disguise I meant a pair of shades or something, not that!" Kat exclaimed and waved her finger towards Morgan's outfit. Morgan thought it was fine, but obviously Kat didn't.

"But then people would see me! What's wrong with it anyway?" Morgan gave her outfit another once over before turning to Kat again. At least it was creative? Shades were definitely not original.

"What's wrong with it? What's wrong with it? You came dressed as a nun!" Kat felt sorry for the people at her party, mainly the ones that decided to watch their encounter. They had to listen to Morgan ,even though they didn't know it was her, be told why it was certainly not okay for a teenage girl to be disguised as a nun at a party full of drunk teens.

"That's the whole point! Nobody will know it's me!" Morgan failed to see how this was a problem. Nobody would approach a 'nun' at a party like this, would they? Unless any of the asses there were as desperate with Bruce, or stupid, for that matter.

  "You don't think people are going to find it the slightest bit weird that a nun is at a high school party? Aren't nuns supposed to be against a whole bunch of shit that happens at high school parties?"

  Okay, so now people were beginning to get beyond confused. Who was the girl and why was she dressed as a nun? Was this supposed to be one of those costume parties that nobody actually dressed up for? All these thoughts clouded people's minds as they watched the two converse.

"Who cares? I'm just here to get revenge."

"On who?" She didn't really need to ask, seeing as she could tell it was Bryce. Morgan always had a new reason to hate Bryce. Always. Once, she had asked her to lay off boy. That was when they were younger, but she still got a big rant as to why Bryce was an evil person. She never questioned it since then.

"The Asshole. I never got him back for jinxing my bunny."

"Okay..." She trailed off. "And what are you going to do, exactly?"

Kat was seriously worried for Bryce, and that was a first. When Morgan wants revenge, she gets revenge. She had once taken one of Morgan's favourite scarves, completely by accident. She had a scarf just like it. Let's just say that flour isn't easy to get out of your hair. It wasn't like Bryce was on Morgan's list of favourite people either. She was going to get him, bad.

"I'm gonna go all Pretty Little Liars on his ass." Morgan grinned at the thought of a freaked out Bryce. He deserved it. Stupid bunny jinxer.

"Oh god." Kat said, her voice not sounding remotely concerned. She knew she'd be attacked by Morgan if she showed any emotion except dislike towards Bryce.

"I got a new phone, perks of having a rich family, and I'm going to send a whole bunch of creepy ass messages to him."

"Okay...and how long is this going to go on for?" Kat guessed that it would last more than a week. Knowing Morgan, she'd probably keep it going on for as long as she could.

  "Until he figures out it is me." She scoffed. This was the guy that thought she was speaking Chinese. He was incredibly stupid. Either that or he dozed off in French class on numerous occasions.

"Well you're gonna have to start that crazy shit in the morning, because there is no way I'm letting you in there. It'll make me look bad."

  "Just a few minutes? Please!"

  "...Fine, but if any hot guys ditch my party, I'm blaming you."

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