three; i wasnt speaking chinese ?

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Asshole #1
I know that you are not Chinese

Morgan ;)
I wasn't pretending to be Chinese in the first place you dumb fuck

Asshole #1
Fouly told me that you were speaking Chinese tho

Morgan ;)
Hey you lil bitch only I am allowed to call him Fouly

Asshole #1
Why do you hate me so much

Morgan ;)
You want the light, not so harsh reason or the full blown truth?

Personally I would go with the full blown truth.

Asshole #1
Uh the light reason

Then the full blown truth

Morgan ;)
You are a horny asshole that I despise for every reason you could think of

Asshole #1
Okay so give me the light reason now??

Morgan ;)
That was the light reason idiot

Asshole #1
I am not an idiot

Morgan ;)
Says the guy who thought I was speaking Chinese when I was actually speaking French


The full blown truth is that I think you are a cocky asshole that seriously needs to learn how to take a hint, you are also an impatient dickhead that needs to stop picking on poor innocent bunnys.

Asshole #1
You need to let that go

It was when you were like 11

Morgan ;)
ExCuSe Me Mr SnUfFlEs DeSeRvEd BeTtEr ThAn YoUr CoNsTaNt AbUsE

Asshole #1
I made fun of him twice

Morgan ;)
Well remember when you said he should choke on a carrot?!

Guess what

He choked on a carrot and died


Asshole #1
Well that wasn't my fault

Morgan ;)
I bet you kill rabbits in your spare time

BuNnY\rAbBiT kIlLeR

Bunny Killer
I don't

Morgan ;)
That's what a bunny killer would say


Morgan ;)


I'm excited



Morgan ;)
Because I'm moving back dumbass


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