6 . m a r n i e

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"So what are you going as for halloween?"

"I can't tell you that. Then you'll recognize me when I come into the bookstore."

"When? Not your trademark 'if'. You are exciting me, Lilie. You haven't seen me either. They don't make us wear name tags at work."

"I'm just waiting. I have patience. Unlike a certain prince I know."

"I'm assuming that's me."

"Ding ding ding. We have a winner."

"Don't you wanna know what I'm going as? It's gotta be killing you."

"I'm actually mature so not so much. I'll see you soon enough."

"Ah ah ah. You are going to talk to me because no one comes to the store on halloween."

"Fine. Consider yourself blessed."

"Oh trust me, I do. So how's that boyfriend of yours coming along? Still an F-boy?"

"Don't talk about Liam like that. But yes. I don't know what to do."

"Well some people do this crazy thing called 'breaking up with them'. Try that."

"I don't want to hurt him. I may have a sarcastic and cynical outside, but on the inside I'm really sweet."

"You secretly love me, Lilie. Now tell me your costume."


"Yes, princess."

"I'm not going to tell you my costume. Just like I'm not listening to yours. The anonymity is refreshing."

"Whoops customer gotta go."

"I know."


Do not fret, readers. There is more to this special Halloween event.

Princess (A Dialogue Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now