11 . r a p u n z e l

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"Happy birthday, princess!"

"What freaking time is it?"

"It's 10 o'clock. Why aren't you more excited for your birthday?"

"What's a birthday? What's excitement? All I know is sleep. I don't even know my name."

"Your birthday is the day you were born on, excitement is a feeling of joy for upcoming events, and your name is Lilie Beth Whitton. Wake up!"

"Call me at 1. I'll be alive by then. I may even come by the store for some birthday books."

"But I've already seen you in person. It would be easy to match face to attributes."

"It's my birthday. Let me live, Mason."

"You do realize we'll be meeting face to face, right?"

"Yes, my prince. This is how I choose to celebrate my birthday.

"Hope you enjoy your sleep, princess."

"I will, my prince."

Princess (A Dialogue Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now