"Fine." She mumbled under breath before somewhat explaining her situation. "I was trying to get ahold of Stella to talk to her about something, but my father answered the phone. If he knew I was down here, he would kill me."

"He wouldn't kill you, he loves you too much to do such thing." Michael chuckled lightly. "You could talk to me, I'll listen to anything you have to say."

His offer to listen to what she had to say was extremely tempting. She wanted to pour out her heart and feelings to him, yet his actual girlfriend would be there within minutes.

"Um," Ariah spoke uneasily and Michael got the memo. "I like you a lot and all, but I don't think so.."

"Well, here's another option." Michael began to suggest. "I'll call him and ask to speak with your sister for you, if you want. That way, I can get you past your father and you can talk to your sister."

"Would you really do that for me?" Ariah sincerely asked, not even believing what Michael was doing for her. He was the actual sweetheart here.

"I'll do anything for you, sweetheart." That statement along with the affectionate name alone made her blush and Michael noticed. He smirked to himself as he began to dial the number to the McCartney residence. "It's ringing.."

Ariah kept her fingers crossed as someone did pick up the phone. Michael smiled, hearing that it was his good friend.

"Macca, hi." Michael glanced at Ariah. "Was wondering if I could talk to Stella? I've got to ask her a question. Thanks." There was a long pause which let Ariah know that the line was being transferred to her sister. She hoped she would pick up quickly because Brooke would be in the studio soon.

"Stella, it's MJ." Michael greeted the young lady. "Your sister wanted to talk to you, here you go."

The entertainer handed the phone to Ariah before staring at her for a couple of seconds. He winked at her and then, he left to go back into the studio.

"Stella, Brooke's on her way." Ariah frantically stated, causing her sister to squeal on the other line. "I need your help."

"Listen to me: don't say anything." Stella demanded. "Do not say anything, Ariah."

"But, this is killing me." Ariah groaned softly. "You don't get it, Stella."

"Well, you don't want to do it while she's there! Do you?" Stella insisted with power, trying to reason with her sister to get her to understand the point she was attempting to make. "I promise you that it would make things way too awkward for everybody in the room."

"You're right." Ariah sighed. "Should I call him and tell him over the phone?"

"No, no. Don't." Stella sighed. "Just wait another time and come on back home."

"Okay." Ariah sadly squeaked. "It was worth a try, I guess."

"You didn't even try." Stella chuckled, causing Ariah to roll her eyes slowly. "Come home now. We can think of a better plan. Plus, Mum and Daddy are arguing again." The bickering between their parents had been going on for a long while. The two girls were sick of it. It was taking a toll on everyone in the house, even little Zuri. "If you were here, Zuri and I would feel a lot better."

"Aright then." Ariah let out a deep sigh. "I'll be on my way, sis." She hung up and glanced over at Michael, who was embracing the woman that he was dating. She seemed to have just gotten there and they were already kissing on each other lightly. Seeing that sight pained Ariah to say the least. She hated being friends with Michael when she knew that she was good enough to be more to him.

"Ariah, wait!" Michael called as Ariah rushed through the studio, not making eye contact with anyone. "I want you to meet-" His voice became inaudible to the young girl as the door to the studio shut tightly behind her. She stormed down the long corridor to go outside to head home, with tears consisting of jealousy and rage streaming down her face.

"Why can't he like me?!" She screamed speed-walking down the sidewalks of Manhattan. "What's wrong with me?!"

Fortunately, people didn't recognize Ariah as the oldest adopted child of Paul and Linda McCartney. However, she felt as if all eyes were on her after she screamed her thoughts to the people of New York.

The feeling that Ariah was experiencing was pure hell. She wanted Michael and she didn't know how to tell him. Then, it hit her.

She couldn't have him, even if she wanted him as badly as she did.

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