Love Triangle PART 1

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My track record is horrible when it comes to keeping it all in the family. When I first met Sam, he was introduced to me as a friend of a friend. Meeting Sam would spark an ongoing relationship rollercoaster ride.
When we first met each other at the club I didn't see me and him becoming friends let alone fuck buddies. At the time I was already messing around with the Landon, and so it didn't seem right. One afternoon while I was boo'd up with Landon is when I mentioned something about having a threesome. I said something about Sam, and what he thought about it, and that's how it all started. When Sam came to my house the first night, I was not intending on having sex with him, but the way he caressed my body made me melt and I quickly fell under his lustful spell. When Landon asked me about it I lied to him in his face, but of course Sam texted him to tell him. So that put a strain on our relationship. With these two being almost near like family members, it made me seem like a jump off. To be quite honest I didn't care because the way Sam made me feel was like a high I never felt before. A high I didn't seem to be getting with Landon anymore. Honestly, Sam and I's friendship is kinda weird because he cares for me but to a certain extent. Sam is in a complicated relationship or situation as I should say. Everything was happening so fast, but I can say that Sam fulfilled every single detailed when it came to sex. His head was the icing on the cake considering the fact that Landon didn't give me oral anymore. Every time I had sex with one I would have to go to the other the next day. I became comfortable having sex with two close friends for the convenience of the situation. After all Me and Landon had gone through a lot of stuff and we weren't in a relationship. I had to make a decision one day, by it wouldn't come anytime soon. As time progressed itself I felt myself getting more and more attached to Sam, and not just because the sex was good because he was a good friend to me. I can't say I was the best friend to either one of them, but I hurt Landon the most when it came down to it. It got so out of hand one day that it felt like Landon was making me make a choice, and in the end I ended up choosing someone I could never be with because of their relationship status whereas I could have made it work with someone who says they truly cared about me.

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