Tutelage The Cessation

Start from the beginning


But er, that doesn't happen at all of course!

(I so solemnly wish that, that were the truth.)

Subjects that you perpetually struggle in would be focused upon, but your passion should be first. If you were straining your mind to grasp a topic, or you were unable to comprehend a subject to such a degree, you would have special help for that.

But funding would make that impossible. The amount of actual occupations that exist. Ah, hundreds of thousands of classrooms for classes, and a considerable amount won't be taken. 

My point is simply that your perspective and passion should be focused upon. That will never be the core case of school regardless. 

Of course, the prospect of you changing your passion may occur as well.

Now, I would like to delve further.

There are far too many things which would be noted as common knowledge, that my generation is uneducated about.

Those of us who bother to do research on our own and self-educate, as we are not taught everything in school can comprehend these. Sadly, I spend far too much time self-educating myself. I have learned very little in school. In fact, the abundance of my "knowledge" for a fourteen year old is from books. That is simply it. Because I ask questions, and there are very few teachers that take genuine questions without dismissing you as a petty child that won't understand it.

It's aggravating to have peers that seem so dumbfounded by every simplistic piece of information. It primarily stems from a lack of drive. Many couldn't care less about learning. Who am I to judge? It's their decision, but in truth, I would prefer it if we all could succeed and care.

But we are merely humans. It is impossible for us to be ideal.

Since we will cause our own downfall and the ultimate downfall of our existence.

Moving onward, I'd rather not delve into my existential crisis.

I wish to learn more about law. How to manage my taxes. How to purchase a house and utilize the funds and loans of banks. 

To ultimately not be obliterated in this world.

America. So desperate and functional solely based upon profit. A plethora of corrupt politicians and a government which masks cruelty yet shrieks it.

Politics is a crucial topic. It may not seem like it, but our lives are run by the leaders of this world. Those that may be blatant mongols of war and intimidation. 

What I find spectacular about us humans. Is how we can find joy, despite knowing the exponential possibilities of terror out there. How we could at any minute relive any world crisis.

Education should not be limited to being social and smiling, but actually learning. Certain students should not graduate and be absolutely spiffing while another portion are scratching their heads wondering how they began adding pre-packaged items that are called "meat" but contain no actual meat at McDonalds.

Let's pioneer and educate ourselves.

A task that is impossible.

But in truth, it shouldn't be.

But that is merely what it is.

You may question how students even function if this system is so blatantly idiotic.

Well we adapt.

It's not as though we are incapable of doing so. Yes, I am in honors and have all A's currently. But that's conforming to the system. The only point of doing so is attempting to not appear as a failure. 

The issue with the culmination of all of this is that arrogance is inevitable and reoccurring. 

Obliviousness is so frequent.

I suppose that is it for now, but reflecting upon this. A feeling stirs within me that this is not the conclusion of my ranting in regards to the education system.

Lastly, to conclude, I would like to mention my consistent readers. Those of you who I can have intellectually stimulating conversations with, and bother to read this utter nonsense.

In no particular order.









Simply thank you, and farewell for now I suppose.

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