Axel Blaze's Entrance (Chapter 3)

Start from the beginning

   "What a pitiful sight.." Ally heard the captain of royals say as he put his foot on the ball.
   "Seriously, you couldn't even goal once, just give up." One of the players say. They all suddenly started to laugh, which made Ally grit her teeth in anger.
   "So that's it?" A boy that was watching asks.
   "What an embarrassment.." the other one says as he looks away. "They couldn't score a single one against them!"
   "I guess they were a bunch of losers."
  Ally suddenly slowly started to give up, she lowered her head down and sighed in defeat but before she closed her eyes she heard.
   "No we're not.." it was Mark. Ally gasped and looked up in surprise and suddenly smiled weakly. Mark slowly started to get back up, she didn't even know how he was doing that! She felt a huge rush of adrenaline go  through her veins like a race car, it made her slowly stand up but enough to fool the Royals that she was down.
   "It's not over! Not yet!" Mark glared as he got up fully. "Not by a long shot!"
Ally smiled and furrowed her eyebrows at that. "That's damn right.." she grunts as she slowly got up. The Royals that were in front of Mark looked back and looked shocked to see Ally get up with a grin on her face.
  "You want more of this?!" One of the strikers yelled as he kicked the ball full force at Mark.
Ally glared. "Mark watch out!" She tried to run to them but the others blocked her path. She heard the ball keep going into the net again and again, she kept pushing through the others full force but couldn't.

  Suddenly she looked up at Axel, he looked down at the shirt that Willy left behind when he ran away from the team. Ally glared at him trying to get his attention, she knew he felt himself being glared at by her. She suddenly looks at the captain of the Royals and sees him looking at Axel. Is that who they were looking for?
  She didn't continue to watch him because she managed to full force push through the Royals who blocked her and kicked the ball away from Mark, but to everyone's surprise it somehow recoiled back to the net and hit Mark roughly.
   "Dammit!" She gritted and glared, her face was all red from her anger. Her eye twitched in anger as she heard the whistle sound saying it was a goal. Royals was now at 20 points and Raimon had 0. Ally felt like shouting loudly and them but she soon looked back at Mark and sighed in defeat. How were they going to score like this? 20 and nothing, they couldn't do it.
   But Ally stayed completely still looking dead into the Royals team but snapped out of it when she heard people talking outside the field.

"Huh? Who's that?!"
  "I've never seen him before!"

  Mark and Ally both look over and see non-other than Axel Blaze walking in the field wearing Willy's uniform her left behind. Ally breathed in surprise she was glad that he finally came over to help. He walked towards the Royals, a few feet away from Ally and Mark.
   "Hey wait a minute!" The coach ran over to Axel but was stopped by the Royals captain.
    "Relax, we're fine with it. Let him play." He smirked, Axel had no expression in his face, but he did look pissed off.
    "Since both teams have agreed, the substitution is accepted!" The coach yells. Ally ran over with Mark crawling quickly along with her.
    "Yo!" She says gleefully but was still shaking through the pain.
    "Wow Axel!" Mark says shakily as he grabs Axel's shirt. "You took your sweet time!" He suddenly was about to fall but Ally snd Axel both caught him from falling.
    "Are you okay?" Axel asks worriedly, Ally sighs in relief.
   "Ah, yeah. But you could've come a little earlier!" Mark says with a smile.
   "Very good point buddo. You sure left us off." Ally says as she pats Axel's shoulder, he smiles at the two of them.

  Everyone suddenly in Raimon started to get up from their slumber and looked determined. Ally chuckles with her tongue between her teeth and looks at Mark and Axel.
   "Be ready you two!" She says patting both their shoulders before going back to her position like non of her injuries happened.
After a few minutes everyone was back into their places and the whistle was blown. But almost immediately the move Death Zone was about to happen by the Royals. Ally scratched her foot on the ground and got ready to defend. She suddenly saw Axel running off towards the other teams goal, she looked back at Mark who nudged his head away saying to move back.
   "Defenders! Get back!" Ally yells as she sprints away from the ball.
   "Wait what?" Jack asks but he got scared from the ball and ran off. Ally looked back at Mark and to her surprise he used a special legendary move, it was God Hand.
   "WHO-HOOOO! AWESOME JOB BUD!" She shouts as he is able to catch the ball easily, she then notices that Mark is about to kick the ball to Axel who was now beside the others goal but Ally stops him.
   "Mark wait! Pass it to me! We'll do a set-up to make the kick stronger for Axel!" She says loudly, Mark had a confused face but soon her understood he passed it gently to Ally who got it easily. "Alright! GO!" She shouts with a wicked smile and passes the ball to him roughly.
   "AXEL! Go for it!" Mark yells as he kicks the ball upwards and heads right towards Axel, the ball was kicked roughly enough to reach him. Axel turned around and kicks the ball into the air, to Ally's surprise he spun upwards towards the ball. Fire was surrounding him as he charged up to kick the ball.
  "FIRE TORNADO!" He yells and kicks the ball right into the net which got a goal for Raimon.
   "WHO-HOOOO ALRIGHT MAN THAT WAS AWEEESOME! YEAAAH! Ally yells super energetically and jumps up and down repeatedly in excitement punching her arms into the air like a rocket. Everyone cheered and the Raimon team all looked happy and relieved from their worry.

  "I've been informed, that the Royal academy team has just withdrawn from the game!" The referee yells. "So that's it! It's all over!"

  "Wait! If  Royals have withdrawn.. That means we won!"
  "We won guys!" She laughs and jump-spins to look at Mark who had a large grin planted on his face.

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