The secret dirt scribbles of the secret Notebook (Chapter 13)

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During all that shenanigans, apparently there was a secret notebook that Mark's grandfather, David Evans, has created. The old noodle man had told the four players that the secret notebook is hidden withing their school after Mark daringly agreed to possibly getting 'certain mistfortune'. The four had rushed back to the club house and to, d everything to everyone in the team, they soon search for it and head to the Principals office where the noodle guys said it was hidden.

Mark scanned the room of the principals office quietly,  everyone in the back murmuring. "Okay guys, lets go. In and out we go quick and quiet alright?" Mark asks. Everyone did a silent yeah before heading in with Mark leading them... Until. Everyone gasped loudly and jumped right into the room with a big loud bang, Ally being in that pile right under Jack.
  "Hey! You're squishing meee!" Mark yelled from below Ally, she groaned.
  "We're all being squished! Don't complain!" She snaked her way out of there only to hit her face right onto the ground and falling on her stomach, she looked up and saw the huge pile of the team all on top of each other.
  "SHHHH!" Everyone says as Ally groaned in pain and Mark complained, finally everyone untangled themselves and headed to the safe.
   "Okay guys, here goes." Mark sweated as he reached for the circle pad and twisted it with a few silent clicks clicking from it. After a minute, there was a loud thunk-y like click that came from it, meaning it was opened. Mark hummed happily and reached for a handle to open it. Although he opened it, he grabbed the handle and pulled, it wouldn't budge. He tried many different ways to open it but nothing worked, he ended up falling after trying to open it with him on the wall. Nathan and Kevin hissed while running up to him.
  "Ah! What happened to "Leave it to me."?!" Nathan asked.
Kevin sweatdropped. "Hurry it up Mark, we're toast if someone spots us!" He whispered loudly at him.

  "Sorry, but they've already found you."

Everyone gasped and turned around frantically, the Principals daughter, Nelly, had appeared at the door.
Mark stuttered. "Oh! H-Hi.. Its uh! We were just.." Mark trailed off sweating like crazy.
Nathan quickly came in. "Practicing!" He did a loud nervous laughter, Ally sweatdropped, he did that when he got far too nervous for his own good.
  "Y-yeah! Practicing for finding a hiding place so that our opponents can't see us!" Mark added on with his arms out. Ally mentally face-palmed, but her goofy energetic attitude came in.
  "Yeah! N-Nelly that's right! Here look watch!" Ally dashed to the safe, opened the door like it was nothing and launched herself in head-first. Only the other half of her body was shown. "See?!" She echoed from it and suddenly couched. "Pew it's dusty here, imma get out." Her hands could be seen from the corners as she pulled herself out. Luckily Nathan was behind her and helped her get out, she fell on top of him and they both groaned in pain.
  "T-Thanks bud." Ally managed to say as she rolled herself over off of him, got up and helped Nathan get up.

She looked back and saw that Mark had gotten his notebook. "Oh! You got it, wait." She looked back at the safe,  there was nothing there.
Nelly chuckled. "I knew you'd want to find it, so I took it from you boys before you could get it." Nelly suddenly looked over at Ally. "I'm actually impressed you were able to open that safe, I was sure to keep it stuck tight. Well done." She approved with her hands pressed together.
Ally flinched and shrugged. "Haha, well I guess my goofiness is my secret strength?" She gave a sheepish look.
Nathan planted his hand on her shoulder. "Oh yeah! Now that you're correct with!" He laughed and ruffled her hair while laughing.

Nelly soon turned over to Mark. "It's meaningless isn't it?" She suddenly says, after everyone had looked at Ally and the safe in disbelief. They all walked over to Mark in confusion.
  "What do you mean?!" They asked.
  "It's illegible." Nelly simply says. Everyone gasped in confusion as they all looked in at the notebook in confusion.
Ally looked at it, yup she was right. All it showed was scribbled writing and random drawings of footballs and weird shaped humans. She stepped back, away from the big crowd and headed to a wall to relax herself, she sat down cross-legged and put her head back against the wall.
  "Is it some mind of secret code?"
  "Or another language?"
  "No, most of the marks are just dirt."
Everyone's aura grew a dark blue colour, only Axel and Ally were the only ones not effected by it. Speaking of Axel, he was siting on a chair, one of his legs over the other with his arms folded. He seemed to be waiting for Mark to find something in the book, Ally didn't notice but she was right beside him, her being on the ground, it made her a little nervous and blush slightly. She covered her bottom half face with her knees, to her shock Axel seemed to have noticed.
  He had an instinct to rub her hair, like he did to Yuuka when she felt uncomfortable with something, only this time it was different. He reached his hand down hastily and gently rubbed Ally's hair, his face looking stoic as normal and looking at Marks direction, inside he was hoping Ally wouldn't move at this, as he weirdly felt a calm aura from her. He noticed that Ally looked slightly uncomfortable, so he wanted to reassure her.
     Ally on the other hand was highly confused, she did like people ruffling her hair, that's like her family's trademark, so she remained still and slightly moved her head more towards him for him to get a better reach.

  "EVANS!" Nathan and Kevin both yelled out after the group had a muttering discussion.
Mark suddenly jumped up. "This is great!" He turned his head back, Axel quickly took his hand back and his eyes widened in shock, he blushed ever so slightly. "God Hand is in here and everything!"
Ally jumped up from her position and ran to him. "YOU CAN READ IT?!" Everyone on the team, but Axel, yelled in disbelief.
Mark nods. "Yup I can read everything that he's written!" Axel smiled in amusement, Ally was excitedly looking at everyone in front and behind her, she jumped on the spot. "At first it was a bit of a problem, it is pretty confusing. But then I spent some time on it and I was fine!" He laughed and grinned happily.

After that the team headed back to the club and looked at the book again, Mark had found an aerial shot that the Inazuma Eleven had once used. It was known as the Inazuma Drop. Mark read it out but it was a whole bunch of nonsense like "One jumps up with a kaa, and the other jumps with a boom and together you create a Kaboom, and that's how the Inazuma Drop works."
Everyone yelled in disbelief  and facepalmed. Ally had tried to do it on a bunch of tires, but ended up hitting herself on the ground, again she goofily laughed it off.
Finally, the team started the practice after a break from all the stuff happening, Kevin was on top of a hill with a large wheel on it.

  "Okay guys, this is Marks training, so do blame him not me." Kevin called down at the others. "This is gonna hurt." That warning, caused everyone but Sam to get out of the way. Same looked wound frantically and was now stuck with the wheel sacrifice.
  "Here it comes!" Kevin called out as he threw the wheel towards him full force.
Sam frantically jumped up. "Woah dude Waaaait! I'm not ready yet!" As soon as he said that, the wheel crashed right at him and flung him into the air.
  "Excellent!" Mark laughed proudly at it. "Nice trajectory!" He added on happily.
Ally decided to go up next, the wheel came right at her, and last second she covered her chest just in case and got rocketed up into the sky with her yelling at the top of her lungs. "WHOOOOOOO-AAAAAAAH!" She crashed right at the ground, Axel and Mark stopped their conversation and everyone remained silent until they heard Ally yell out.

"Lightning Striked" Inazuma Eleven OC Story FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin