The Match downfall (Chapter 2)

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   "What? So you'll lose the team if you lose the game against Royals?!" Ally asks in disbelief, the others sighed and nodded.
   "Yeah, luckily we have you to help us!" The boy named Jack said happily.
Mark nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Now all we need now is that Axel kid! His kick will surely do us a great favor!" He says clenching his fist happily.
   Ally tilts her head. "Oh? The new guy? Well, does he want to play?" Ally asks curiously.
     "Umm, not really.. he always just ran off from me or ignore me, I asked him to join but he told me not to talk to him." Mark replies scratching the back of his head.
    "Huh, odd. I heard from my mom, who by the way met his mother, that he was quite a nice guy. I saw him look at me when I did my technique, he didn't give me the stink eye like he did to you." Ally says crossing her arms worriedly.
  Nathan came up behind her and slapped her shoulder. "At least we now have you and that move of yours!" He grins.
  Ally smiles and puts a thumbs up, suddenly they all froze when they heard a knock on the door.
   "Ah! Finally there he is!" Mark says as he runs over to the door and opens it, only to reveal a boy who was wearing a large beanie that covered almost all of his face.
   "Guys! This is Maxwell Carson, he'll be giving us a hand today!" Mark says pointing at him.
   "But you can call me Max, I'm all cool with that." He says quite emotionally but with a smile which made Ally chuckle quietly. "When I saw your captain running around out there, I though that this club would cure my boredom." He says holding up the sign.
   Everyone gave confused "ah's" and the pink-haired guy called Kevin spoke. "To cure your boredom?" He asks.
   Ally and Nathan both sigh.
   "Hey kid, this club isn't a joke ya know." He tells him sternly.
   "Oh I'll take it seriously,  I've never actually played soccer before but I think I'll catch on pretty quick!" He defends himself.
Mark soon nods, "I'm sure he'll be a great part of the team. Trust me guys!" He announces.
Steve speaks up. "Alright but, we still only have 10 players, we will need another player and maybe a few subs!"
   "Make that 11..." a loomy voice says behind him. Ally looks over and jumps into the air with a shriek.
   "Oh sorry! I didn't see you standing there!" Steve apologises.
   "Oh yeah that's Jim, he's joined as well!" Mark explains to everyone.
  Jim turns around. "Yup, that's me. I'm here because this is a great way to explain to people that I actually exist.."
  Everyone gives nervous chuckles and sighs before Ally speaks  to Mark. "Say Mark. When is that match going on? Because today in 5 minutes I have to watch a match that's happening today. My brother Elijah wanted to watch it with me because he said that the team will be his favorite and wanted me to watch it with him." She says casually. Everyone soon looked at her shocked.




"WHAAAAAT??!" Everyone yelled and fell on the ground.
Mark gets up and runs to her. "IT'S TODAY, RIGHT NOW!"
  Ally's face went completely pale, she almost looked like a spooked ghost, she did a werid screech-like noise before saying. "Oh f-"
She suddenly got cut off by a strong wind of dust outside, everyone quickly ran outside and looked out into the road near the field.    

     There was a huge blue bus there and suddenly almost 20 something boys came running out with soccer balls and an old suey red carpet sprung out from the entrance of the bus door. The boys all put their soccer balls down on the ground, put their foot on it and did a weird sign with their hands.
   Everyone in Raimon all gasped, Ally was sweating with guilt and anger at herself. She suddenly remembered that her little brother Elijah told her that there will be this awesome match going on today and right now and she promised shed be with him and watch. She felt so useless and filled with guilt. She lifts her head when she hears someone calling her name, she in the distance, sees Elijah and her mother waving at her to come over beside a tree.
   "Guys I'm so sorry, I got to go!" Ally says and runs off the field and towards her family.
   "Wait Ally!" Nathan stops her, Ally drifts to a stop and looks over.
   "Help us out, as a backup!" He says with a wink and a thumbs up, Ally chuckles and nods before running off.

   "There ya are! Where were you?" Elijah asks as he runs to her and tackles a hug to her, Ally smiled and petted his back.
   "I-uhh, nothing..nothing.." she lies horribly, luckily her brother didn't seem to notice but her mother and someone watching her saw right through her. She felt something behind her and looked over, she there saw Axel Blaze who for a second had a smile on his face but narrowed his eyes at her and gave a frown. He had his head away from the field and had an emotionless face.
   "Who's that?" Ally's mother asks her questionably.
   "A new kid, he played soccer once but he-"
   "Oh, Axel Blaze?!" She yells, Axel looks over, Ally didn't care and instead banged her head on the tree for more than we times before breathing in frustrated and breathing out calmly. "I knew his mom! Such a great woman she is, she was a childhood frie-" she gets cut off by her daughter.
    "Mom, enough.. You've done your part." Ally states.
    "Hmm? Done what?"
    "Be a very embarrassing mother." She sticks her tongue out between her teeth, trying to hold her well known snigger.
Her mother laughs and pats her shoulder before looking out to the field, Ally noticed that the Royals were actually warming up, and they were crazy! They would score goals so easily that Mark wouldn't have the time to react.
   "Mark!" Everyone in the field yell.
   "I know you're lying by the way.",her mother, Galyds says. That caused Ally to stammer and tumble over on the ground and shakes her head.
   "Wha- What? Lying about what?" She whispers suddenly seeing that Elijah was close by.
   "You joined their soccer team, didn't you?" Gladys says crouching down, but she suddenly got kicked over by Jack who was running away.
   "Ahh, sorry Miss Bolt!" Jack says, he seemed to be crying. Ally then immediately ran down to her team.
   "Guys! Why's Jack running off?!" She asks panting slightly. Mark ran up to her.
   "I though you went home!?"
   "Mistake sorry, I promised my little brother that I'd stay with him to apparently watch this very match that he said was going to happen today!!" She says with a loud voice. Everyone sighed in frustration until they heard someone yelling from the distance.

(Hey guys, very sorry but I'm going to have to skip over until Willy leaves crying in the, what happens is that Ally ends up helping her team find Jack and tells them that she'll help them if she can and when Willy left she noticed that the Royals were always looking at Axel a lot. It'll continue afterwards alright? :) Thanks)

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