Untitled Part 6

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Chat dropped Marinette on her balcony. "Thanks Kitty!" Marinette said opening her trapdoor, "y-yeah, no problem" Chat gulped deeply. A thud was then heard behind Chat. Chat turned to see Ladybug, his blood boiled. "Excuse me miss, is this alley cat troubling you?" Ladybug asked. "No...not really, I just want know why is he standing there like a robot" Marinette sighed. Ladybug wrapped Chat in her yo-yo "bye missy" Ladybug said before jumping to another roof, then another, with Chat, until she was out of sight. Marinette nervously chuckled and entered her room.

"Hey! What's your problem!" Chat yelled, Ladybug huffed "well I just saved you from embarrassing yourself and her from an awkward kitty, I should be getting a thank you" Ladybug let Chat go, unfortunately he fell from the roof and landed in a dumpster. Ladybug chuckled, "bye bye, kitty" Ladybug waved, and left. Chat groaned in embarrassment.

Ladybug detransformed into an alley and ran into Marinette's bakery. She caught Marinette writing in her diary. "Hey!" Bridgette yelled, Marinette jumped in surprised and fell on the floor. "Owie....Brie...you startled me" Marinette got up. Bridgette laughed "oops!" Marinette sighed and closed her diary. "Tikki! Come up" Bridgette yelled, signaling the Kwami to transform into a human again. Tikki nodded and flew into the living room, she transformed, and walked up. "Hey Tikki" Marinette greeted. Tikki smiled "I...have...news" Tikki said. Marinette looked interested and jumped on her bed. "Me...and P-Plagg are officially...dating" Tikki squealed. "That's amazing!" Bridgette said, earning a nod from Marinette. "Oh lucky you" Marinette groaned. "What's wrong Mari?" Bridgette asked sitting on her cousin's chair. "Tikki is dating Plagg...Bridgette is dating Felix, and Alya is basically dating Nino. I am STILL single!" Marinette groaned. "Have you asked Adrien" Tikki wiggled her brows. "Like he's going to say yes" Marinette sat up, and frowned. "How about Nathaniel?" Bridgette asked, "NO! ADRIENTTE HAS TO HAPPEN!" Tikki yelled. Then, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Tikki said, rushing down to open the door. Alya walked up to Marinette's room and greeted Bridgette "so why is the whole group here?" She asked laying next to Marinette "why are you" Marinette asked "Me and Nino are dating" she said, plainly. Marinette sighed "this is exactly what I'm talking about" Bridgette facepalmed herself "For the last time, ask Nathaniel" Bridgette covered Tikki's mouth before she could say something. "What are you guys talking about?" Alya was obviously dumbfounded. "Mari is complaining that everyone in the group is dating someone, whilst she is single" Bridgette explained. Alya's eyes showed anger "and you suggested Nathaniel" Alya's eyes showed bloodlust. "That what I said! I keep saying, no talk to Adrien. Adrienette must happen!" Tikki said, smacking Bridget's hand away. "But I can't even construct a single sentence around him, much less ask him  to date me." Marinette said. "She has a point" Bridgette said. "Guys...." Tikki said in a low voice "we are going to have a sleepover to talk about this" Tikki demanded. "Agreed" she looked at the three girls. "I don't care" Mari said, "sure, let me just call my mom" Alya said. "Sure" Bridgette said, "it's settled then" Tikki smirked. "Besides, I want to date someone I like, not date them....just because" Marinette said. Tikki and Alya nodded "exactly Bridgette" Alya said. "HEY! Stop attacking me!" Bridgette put her hands up in defeat.

I'll Always be There (A MariChat FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora