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Marinette's P.O.V

I was waiting for Alya at the entrance of the school, after class ended. "So...Mari~" I heard a voice behind me and saw Bridgette smiling. "What's up Brie?" I greeted, "who do you think is better, Ladybug or Chat Noir?" She asked. I bit my lip, Ladybug's cool and all, but I've been crushing on Chat a little. I scratched the back of my head "w-well, I have to admit, Ladybug's pretty cool and get's the job done quickly." I said, sheepishly. "And Chat?" She asked a bit annoyed "well...I guess he's a bit reckless and all over the place while fighting...but..." I bit my lip harder until blood came out. "You have a crush on him" Bridgette said, bluntly. I jumped back, and felt my cheeks heat up " no no no...psh! The Chat Noir...please!" Bridgette looked at me in disbelief. I gulped and nodded "it's not like the infamous Chat Noir could like a civilian like me" I crossed my arms and huffed "he's human too y'know" Bridgette said. I nodded. "But still...he's a flirt" I said, sadly. Bridgette wrapped her arm around my shoulders, "he doesn't flirt with Ladybug~" Bridgette smirked. "Besides, I heard a little someone has been getting visits lately by a certain cat, and that you almost kissed him. Well, Alya told me that" I blushed furiously. "N-NO!" I buried my head in my hands to hide the blush that was forming on my face. All of this WAS true. I don't think he'll be visiting me anytime soon. I sighed deeply. I then felt a hand on my shoulder I saw Adrien there smiling. I shrieked and jumped back. "A-Adrien...what are you...d-doing here" He sheepishly smiled "I overheard your conversation...I just wanted to you like him?" Those words echoed in my mind. There was one word that popped into my mind "yes".


That night I sighed as I heard arguing in the living room. Dad came home drunk again, and mom fired him. This time no tears came out of my eyes, my mind was full of one thing. Chat. I blushed deeply as I thought of our near kisses. I heard a knock and jerked my head towards the window. I saw Chat waving at me. A smiled formed on my face as I walked towards the window opening it. "Hey Kitty" I said, as he jumped inside, closing the window. "Hey Princess~" He said. I giggled as I walked towards my bed and sat on it, "So~ What are you doing here?" I asked, trying so hard to ignore the arguing. Chat heard them and frowned, looking at me. He jumped next to me and grabbed my head, making my forehead touch his. His breath touched my face, causing me to blush. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "For what?" He pulled away and averted his eyes towards the lower trapdoor. "You already have enough problems...and I'm making it worst." He whimpered. I couldn't help myself. Tears threated to leave, Chat's face made me feel bad. I bit my lip as I grabbed his cheeks making him turn to me. Our eyes met, making reality fade away. I unconsciously leant in, he did too.

Our lips finally met. I felt his warmth surging through my body. Causing me to melt. I felt my face heat up. As we pulled away, I saw a blush scatter across his face. I bit my lip. "Sorry" I buried my face in my hands to hide my embarrassment. I felt his hands grab mine, he pulls me towards him, making our lips clash together. I blush deeply and slowly melt into the kiss. We slowly pull away and look into eachother's eyes. He smiles, "why are you sorry" he asked, cupping my cheeks. "Because...I made you feel...bad" I breathed out, grabbing his hand. "I made you feel bad...and for that I'm truly sorry". I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a warm embrace, whilst finding my favorite scent. Camembert and Swiss cheese.

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