Part Nine

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Part Nine

Isobel took Taylor shopping Saturday morning, anything to take her mind off the evening. They bought toys, clothes and even went for a pizza, dragging the day out as long as possible. By the time she dropped her daughter off at Orla’s and had the pep talk about the impending night, she felt exhausted and anything but ready for a night with a dangerous man.

She did however, follow his instructions, soaking in the bath, she exfoliated, epilated and scrubbed, then swathed herself in the scented moisturiser. In the mirror Isobel dried her hair, packed a small bag with the minimum she’d need for a night away, and applied a small amount of makeup.

It felt almost sinful to put on the underwear he’d sent her, but she did, then covered it with slinky black trousers and a white asymmetrical top that was slashed across one shoulder, and loose, billowy around her hips, coupled with heels, she felt more glamorous than she had for a long time.

The door bell rang and she immediately swallowed a knot of emotion, fought off the nausea and moved through the house. As she opened the door to him, he stared at her for what seemed like an eternity, his eyes both covering her body, and staring deep into her own all at the same time.

                “You look stunning,” it was barely more than a whisper as he reached down to brush his lips against hers. At the same time, he ran a hand along the waist band of her trousers seeking the sheer lace of the lingerie he’d bought her. His groan was almost animal, “so you wore it?”

She gave her best coy look, “I’m not going to say I was bullied into it!”

He threw his head back for a moment, dealing with the conflicting emotions at the thought of her. “Have you got a bag?”

She nodded and pointed towards a large handbag.

Marc stared at her with a frown, “that’s it?”

Nodding she picked it up, “clean undies, and a tooth brush…do you need anything else?”

He laughed, “no you don’t, but it’s unusual to see…Sadie would take a suitcase to the supermarket, just in case!!”

                “She was probably a lot more glamorous than me!” Isobel offered.

Marc denied that fervently, “no, she thought she was, but you are far more traffic stopping than she could ever be.”

Isobel appreciated the sentiment, but knew that he was just flattering her, “I doubt that very much.”

He shrugged, “you are naturally beautiful Iz, you don’t have to try.” He leaned in close, “though I’ve told you in the past that I’d love to see you in something that clings rather than hides. You always hideaway under loose things, I kind of get it, if I could get my hands on that prick...” He rolled his eyes, “if it takes me ten years I’m going to make you realise how gorgeous you are.”

His breath on her neck was an erotic sensation, and she inhaled his smell, a subtle sandalwood aftershave, “well it’s top of the class for flattery Mr Banfield!”

He smiled as he took her hand and led her out to the car.

Then they drove listening to music, her head lolled against the head rest, trying not to notice the effect his hand resting on her thigh was having on her. After half an hour before he pulled into a long regal looking driveway, with gargoyle-clad gateposts and a sweeping gravel route to the house hidden amongst the trees in the distance.

As he turned off the engine they were met by a valet who drove the car around the side of the house to the garages.

Marc took their bags and led her into the opulent foyer.

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