Part Five

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Part Five

Of course Elsie wanted to babysit. Isobel sent Marc a text message at five o’clock telling him she’d meet him in the Plough at half past seven, in the meantime she arranged for Orla, Jess and a few others to meet in the pub too. Full of nerves, she turned up; self conscious in a square necked black tunic, flared jeans and flat sandals, the weather had been particularly mild for late May.

Eric was polishing a beer pump when she approached the bar.

                “Can I have a bottle of lager please Eric?”

He nodded, “on your own?”

                “Not for long!” A deep husky voice answered from behind her. “I’ll get that Eric, and can I have a pint of lager too.”

Eric raised an eyebrow in her direction and she felt her face and neck flush warm. Grabbing the bottle she muttered a ‘thanks’ then rushed out into the beer garden before she had to face up to Marc. There was an empty bench on the corner of the grass, so she headed over and slid onto a seat, and panted heavily trying to calm her racing heart. She was so out of practice.

                “You chose to come here tonight...” he announced as he slid on to the bench next to her, “with me. No amount of running away is going to change that.”

Isobel looked up at him, and despite her rudeness at rushing away, his face was filled with kindness, “you are too nice to me…I don’t mean to be so awful to you…ALL the time.” She knew that she meant that, she was so nervous around him.

                “I’ve got thick skin you know!” He gave a warm chuckle.

She looked up him with humour, “are you trying to make me laugh?

Before he could answer an excited screech emerged from the pub door, “Hi Iz!”

Isobel looked up to see Orla, as disorganized as ever burst out of the building, arms full of clutter. As she burst into laughter at her friend the voice near her ear murmured, “is this another plan to avoid me?”

She turned to him, “you really do think the worst of me! Not surprisingly really.” Her smile was dazzling and he was taken aback for a moment as to how lovely she looked when she relaxed and forgot her hang-ups.

                “Here!” Orla dumped a few bags on the table in front of Isobel, demanding her attention, “things for Taylor that Sadie has outgrown!” Then she stared at Isobel, waiting for an introduction.

Isobel sighed, “Orla, this is Marc Banfield, Marc this is my best mate Orla Sinclair!”

The two shook hands over a “pleased to meet you!”  They chatted for a little while, Marc was already acquainted with Tim, and so by the time half a dozen friends had joined them, he was embroiled in the mechanics of the longstanding group as though he’d known them all years.

Isobel watched him smile as he bowed down to listen intently to Orla. His profile was strong, but as he smiled his whole face transformed from the handsome almost savage features, to warm and friendly.  She knew she was ogling him, but he was having a really strong affect on her. She gasped and blushed as he looked up to find her staring at him.  She glanced away, but moments later, he was beside her.

                “You looked like you were undressing me just then, with your eyes!” Marc’s words were a husky whisper just millimetres from her ear.

                “As if!” She retorted, but there was a definite tension between them both. She could feel his thigh pressing against hers, the warmth of his arm against hers. Her mouth felt dry and her heart was beginning to beat a little faster. She licked her dry lips.

Under My SkinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora