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Matt's POV

After Ambra left for the day, probably to a party or something, I turned my attention to today's goal.


I've given him a week to sort out his anger and sadness and figure out what he's gonna do.

Most day's he sits there and ignores everyone all day, then at night he goes home without saying a single word, he just gets up and leaves.

"Hayes, can I talk to you?" I said. He looked up, shook his head, and looked back at his shoes.

OK, fine. I was trynna be nice, but whatever. I got up, grabbed the back of his shirt, and drug him into the kitchen. I used his shirt to hold him against the wall.

"What the fuck is up with you?" I whisper yelled. "Why are we whispering?" He whispered. "Because, now answer me" I said normally.

"What was the question?" "What the fuck is up with you?" "Oh, maybe that my girlfriend cheated on me with my brother, and neither of them can even tell me why they did it!"

"OK, yea, I know that! I mean, you completely ruined my sister!" I yelled. "I ruined her? How about she ruined me!"

"No, Hayes, you don't get it! You really don't!" "What don't I get?"

"She has anxiety issues, anger issues, bipolar issues, depression issues, trust issues, and a lot more I could name. Her theory is, anybody important, leaves. She believes she can't trust anyone, and that we're all gonna leave her to rot. Then you come along, and she opens herself up to you. You're the first person in a long, long, long time she's opened herself up to, and now look at this. You left her! You know what this does to her?"

"OK? I know that, and if you think that I wanna leave her, you're dead wrong!"

"Dammit, I should never of agreed to introduce you two, that first day. You only made everything worse! Since you left, she got another tattoo behind her ear, a belly button piercing, and has stolen my car, in counting, 17 times this week. So, yea, I'd say she's ruined. She gets drunk and high everyday, then leaves to god knows where, doing stuff I don't wanna think about, then maybe she'll find her way home at around 4 AM. You only made her worse than before. So, I just wanted to say thanks a lot. Thanks, Hayes, because of you my sister is probably gonna get herself killed sometime soon, and I can't find a way to help her!"

He shoved me back into the kitchen table. "It's not my fucking fault Ambra is like this. She did this to herself. Maybe, because you're her brother you don't wanna take any blame because of how she is, so you point fingers, but I did not do this to her. She did this to her. And if she wanted help, she'd get herself help. And if you wanted to help her, you'd help her. But you don't. You want an easy fix. But something I learned about her, before she got her hoe on, is that its gonna take a while to help someone who doesn't want help. Cause you can ask her, beg her, all you want. She's gonna laugh in your face"

I swung at him, but he dodged it.

"This is your fucking fault" I yelled.

He shook his head, as I held him against the wall by his shirt again. "Say it, common Hayes, say its your fault. I'll leave you alone if you say it"

He shook his head. "Say it" I repeated. "Say it!"I yelled.

There wasn't any warning signs really, at all. He just started crying.

I watched him for a minute before letting him go, and standing next to him. "I'm sorry" I mumbled. He quickly wiped his face.

"You don't think this is hard for me at all?" He said, quietly. "Not really, no, I didn't" I sighed.

"I did love her, Matt. And then she slept with my brother, for no reason besides the fact that what? She didn't love me? I wasn't good enough? I don't know what it was"

"Listen, Hayes, this is just how she is. This is just what she does. No reason, really, she just does it. She's not a very nice person, but don't tell anyone I admitted that. I don't know why Nash did this, but I knew she was gonna do this. But you're the first boy she's said 'I love you' to since two years ago. So I'm sure that counts for something"

He smiled, slightly, before we did a bro-hug.

"You ready to go back out there and talk?" I said. "Yea, but not to Nash" "Fair enough, let's go"

So now Matt and Hayes are good. Don't think this is the end though, there is a lot more coming. Next chapter gonna be a filler.

Aw, poor Hayes though.

Someone needs to teach Nash a lesson, what ya think?

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