2: Welcome to su casa

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After having lunch with Tessa we decided to have froyo and buy chips for the house before heading to Team 10 house. Since Tessa just rode an Uber going to Urth Cafe, she carpooled with me. 

Besides I needed her to show the way around going to the house. It was only a short drive so it wasn't that hassle for us. There was no traffic at all. The sun was still up and I really love the Cali weather because there will be no unannounced rains and it's always sunny out here. I missed being in a warm place. 

When we arrived at the Team 10 house you'll automatically see Jake's truck and his smaller car, the parking was full besides a trampoline was also there so I have to park beside the street. 

But I'm bad at parking. 

"Do you want me to call Jake to park your car?" Tessa knew I was bad at parallel parking, it's like a nightmare for me. 

"Yes please." I went out the car too and left the engine on since it won't take that long for Jake to go out. 

Tessa went down my rover and went inside the house to call Jake with just a few seconds Jake came our followed by the other guys. I thought she was only calling Jake. 

"Hey Rookie!" Jake gave me a friendly hug. 

"I missed you Jakey." I high fived him 

Without saying anything he hopped in my car and started parking it like a boss. Okay, I have to admit it Jake is really a good driver and he can park really good. 

"Hi guys!" I greeted them. 

"I guess you already know who I'am." Oh my gosh why am I so awkward. 

So Anthony is outside together with Chad, Ivan, Emilio, Chance, Tristan, Kade and Nick. I know who they are because Tessa insists to bring me around the house whenever where facetiming and introduce me to everyone everytime. 

"Of course we know who you are." The British guy spoke, looks like I'm not gonna be away from the British accents my entire life. 

"Rookie Kennedy." And I'm so weird that I have to say my name again. 

"ROOKIE!!!!" Ericka came out of the house still holding a towel. Guessing she just got out of the shower because she's just wearing a sports bra and some house shorts. 

This is the first time I'll meet Ericka personally but she is so hyped to see me. 

I hugged her back and smiled at the rest of the guys. As Tessa remembered that we bought somethings from Target and Walmart earlier so we had to get it. Since I'm staying I have my bags in my car too. 

"Guys can you help us please, I think Rooks brought her entire house in her car." Tessa shouted at the guys carrying the bags of Target and Walmart that me and Tessa agreed to buy chips only but you know what happens in Target and Walmart. Together with my other bags. 

Yes I unpacked my London clothes few weeks ago and had to shop again for California clothes last week and packed again. 

Don't worry I'll be home at the Kennedy's house on weekends maybe when it's family day.

"Did you also buy the whole Target?" Chance asked carrying five bags at the same time. 

Chance was just wearing a white sweater and some black basketball shorts. The sweater was a good fit on him it made him look like he is working out, for sure he is because I saw his instagram post before. 

Well everyone in this house works out including Tessa. So I guess I wouldn't miss a gym buddy or workout buddy in this house because they all work out. I don't have to drag them out their bedrooms everyday. 

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