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It was bright and early when little Layla decided to wake Jay up from his nights sleep. Seeing as it was almost an hour earlier then he should be awake to get ready for work. He slowly gets out of the bed and pads over to the pack n' play where his daughter currently resided. As he gets closer the the side Layla looks up at his with her big blue eyes and throws her arms up wanting to be picked up and into his arms. He leans into the crib grabbing her and setting her down on his hip, laying her head in the crook of his neck, feeling safe. He then bends down again taking a hold of her elephant and passed it to her by making it dance. She started to giggle and took it from his hands and cuddled with it. "Lets go get you dressed and then we can play for awhile before I have to start getting ready." he says in his baby voice which Erin thought was adorable and always made fun of him for it.

Getting her dressed in leggings with white polka dots and a thin long sleeve shirt with a penguin on it. He set her down on the floor and scattered some toys in front of her before he layed on his side in front of her with his arm propping his head. Layla started giggling with excitement at all of her toys she hasn't seen in a while which made Jay smile. It was still hard for him that Erin wasn't here with them at this very moment, she would have loved this moment. "No no no that doesn't go in your mouth." he raises his voice and crawls over to where his daughter decided to almost put something small in her mouth that he left on the floor by accident. She perked up immediately stunned by the tenseness in her fathers voice but wouldn't let go of what she had in her hand. Once Jay is close to her he gently tries to take it out of her hand but she wouldn't budge. He practically had to rip it out of her tiny hands causing her to scream her head off. Sighing he picks her up and takes her to the kitchen where he starts making her bottle before going to the bedroom to get ready for work. After making the bottle, he hands it to her which calms her down a little and sets her in the crib while he's gets ready. It only takes him about 45 minutes to take a very quick shower, brush his teeth, and get dressed. Layla of course had fallen back asleep during the whole time he was getting ready so he took it as an opportunity to get her stuff together so he can take her to Hank's before he went to the district and to grab something quick to eat. Once everything was done he gently picked up the sleeping child and put her in the car seat and headed to the residence Erin was currently located.

Slowly gathering the still sleeping child from the car he finally made his way to the door and rang the doorbell. Not even 5 seconds of standing there Erin appears at the door panicked. "Er, are you okay?" Jay said very worried.
"Yeah, I'm.. I don't know at the moment." she said pretty rushed but she's trying to calm herself down. She lets Jay in the house and he sets Layla on the couch and goes back towards Erin who hasn't left her spot. He pulls her close to him wrapping his arms around her fragile body. Her breathing started to slow down as she went limp in his arms. Her head was buried into his chest breathing in the sent of his cologne that always seemed to calm her down. He swayed her side to side very gently where they were standing. She finally lifted herself off him and looked into his still worried eyes.

"Jay, I'm fine there's nothing to worry about. I just kinda panicked for a while." she calmly said

"No matter what you say I'm still going to worry about you. So please when I say this I want the honest truth. What's wrong?" he says with a concerned face 

Sighing she finally answers after a while  "I'm just scared that what ever is between us that it's only going to effect her in the future. I don't want her to grow up in a broken family like I did and this is what it's turning out to. Jay she's only 18 months old, she's starting to understand things more."

"Er, we are far from over." he points out

"Then what are we doing Jay? Why is it that I can't seem to trust you at the moment?" she looked up at him with sad eyes. She wanted to believe that they can figure this out but there is still something that's holding her back.

beautifully unfinished » linstead [CURRENTLY EDITING]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن