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It took Erin longer than usual to get to Hank's house from hers. Maybe she took the long way, or she was so upset that she really wasn't paying much attention. Thankfully the time in the car lulled Layla back to sleep so Erin didn't have to worry getting her to bed at Hank's. Once she pulled in the driveway she stopped the car and glanced at the clock. It was almost 2 am so she knew that he would be in the worst mood as possible when she would ring the doorbell. She quickly got out and went to the seat behind hers to grab her sleeping child, carefully picked her up trying not to disturb her and knocked on the door hoping Hank will come come open it up.

Erin was focused on looking at Layla that she didn't notice he had open up the door.

"What are you doing driving at 2 am with Layla??" Hank was concerned. Seeing her eyes were puffy and there was light traces of mascara marks running down her face.

"I couldn't stay with Jay. Can I please just put her down in the crib and then I will explain." motioning towards the sleeping child. "Sure, I'll get your stuff." he said after she walked through the door. Making her way towards her old bedroom she set Layla down in the crib Hank had put in for her when she got to visit with him. Covered her up with her soft purple polka dot blanket and lightly gave her a kiss on her head. "Mommy's sorry baby girl, it's wasn't supposed to be like this" she whispered before she exited the room.

Quietly making it back toward the kitchen area where Hank was already seated with two cups of coffee. She cautiously pulled out the chair next to him and sat in silence. What seemed like 10 mins without talking, words were finally spoken.

"Look, Erin, I don't know what is going on between you two. But whatever it is you need to find a way to get through this." he spoke softly

Tears were starting to cloud her vision again. "I don't think we can get past this dad." her voice was all shaky and she started to curl up into a ball. Hank knew that she only calls him dad when it was very serious. He sighed "What did Halstead do this time?" Erin looked down at the table not wanting to make eye contact with him "Um, for the past month he's been out with the guys, drinking. He doesn't come home until like 1 most of the time. Other nights it's been later. That's usually the time when I get Layla to bed for the second time. I usually just ignore it but today I snapped because i was so over all of this. He even confessed something that I really hoped wasn't true but..." sobs took over her body. All Hank wanted to do was make everything go away. He thought they were both fine as a couple, better in fact. After he saw them when they lost Ella he thought everything would have fallen apart between them. Once Erin composed herself she spoke once more "He said... he didn't want me to get pregnant again. And he basically didn't want Layla." and then broke down once more. Hearing it the second time felt like she heard it the first. Heart wrenching sobs over took her body she started to shake uncontrollably. "And he really thought that I cornered him into getting pregnant on purpose. I don't know what's wrong with him."

Hank immediately wrapped his arms around his daughter trying to console. Within seconds he short was soaked with her tears. "I'm so sorry Erin" he whispered. "I'm so so sorry." once she finally calmed down it was 3:30 in the morning. She carefully got up from the table and walked to her bedroom but before she got to her door she looked back at Hank who was still sitting in the kitchen. "Thanks" she said quietly. "No problem kiddo. Stay as long as you'd like. I'll give you the week off." he responded back. "I appreciate it." and walked into her room and glanced down at her precious daughter. She leaned down into the crib, picked her and took her over to the full sized bed. Setting her on one side putting a wall of pillows around her so she wouldn't fall off the bed. Then walked over to the other side and slipped underneath the covers. Checking her phone one last time before she went to sleep she saw over a hundred texts and calls from Jay wondering if she made it okay. She responds where she was and that they were both okay before completely turning off her phone and setting it on the nightstand next to her. Gently rolling over on her other side to face the sleeping child. She watches her stomach rise and fall before falling asleep herself.
a/n: next chapter will probably be all jay's pov along with him and hank at work. hope you guys like this chapter. even though you probably hate me right now your comments from the last chapter mean everything thing to me.

- anna

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