𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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After a long day of work, all I wanted was the comfort of my bed. I walked out of the hospital saying my good-byes to everyone. Dealing with patients this late at night can be a real hassle. I was only a nurse. I couldn't imagine myself as a doctor. I checked the time on my watch. 1:32 am.

I sighed and walked to the parking garage. I got to my car but I felt eyes on me. I looked around but I didn't see anyone. I brushed the feeling off, got in my car, and drove away. I was home in about 20 minutes.

I lived in an apartment but it was pretty big. It had two floors and a couple of bedrooms for when my friends or family decided to visit. It was also modern and came with a piano which helps me to calm down when I'm feeling stressed or emotional. Sometimes I just play because I get bored. I also had a guitar in my room. The view of the city was also a great part of this apartment.

I went upstairs to my room. I got changed into a big T-shirt and shorts. I untied my hair from my bun. I brushed my teeth and threw myself into bed. I quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

• • •

I woke up at around 11:00 am. I sat up and the sunrise shown through the big windows of my complex practically blinding me. I squinted and put my hands up to cover the light. My alarm was supposed to go off an hour ago. I shrugged it off.

I got up and went downstairs. I was too lazy to cook breakfast so I heated up some waffles in the toaster instead. I turned the TV on in the living room and put the news on.

"Breaking News: The Vanoss crew struck again. This is the third time this week they have broken into the banks around the city, stealing millions of dollars. If you have any idea or see them anywhere, contact the police immediately."

"Again? What are they going to do with all that money anyway?" I asked myself. The waffles popped out of the toaster. I smeared them with butter and poured syrup on top. I ate the waffles in peace as I listened to the news about other things happening in Los Santos.

When I finished the waffles, I headed upstairs and into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and I started undressing. I stepped in and cleaned myself of all the hospital filth. It felt nice to soak in the warm water.

For a second, I thought I heard light playing of a guitar. I just shook my head forgetting about it. After washing my hair and body, I wrapped myself in a bathrobe and headed to my walk-in closet. I put on a grey pullover hoodie, black ripped jeans, and white slip-ons. I combed my (h/l) (h/c) and left it down. I grabbed a small black backpack since I wasn't really a purse-type of girl.

I went back downstairs and I noticed the TV was turned off. 'Did I turn it off?' I thought in my head. I don't remember turning it off. I started getting an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I quickly got my phone and car keys and got out of my apartment. I speed-walked my way to my car and drove to Sam's house.

Sam and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember. We've gone through our ups and downs but we were always there for each other. I don't know what I'd do without her.

I walked up to the door of her house. She opened it a minute later.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry for just coming. It's just that last night, I felt like someone was watching me and then this morning, my alarm didn't go off and I could have sworn I thought I heard my guitar being played while I was in the shower and my TV was turned off but I didn't turn it off," I explained in one breathe.

"Maybe you just forgot to turn your alarm on and that you turned your TV off. And maybe your neighbor was playing their guitar or something," Sam suggested.

"No, there's no way. Maybe being a nurse is driving me crazy..." I said.

"Don't say that. Just relax. Maybe someone's stalking you because of your gorgeous looks," she giggled and wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'm serious!" I said as lightly punched her arm.

"Well, I'm joking! Come in. We can binge-watch movies or something," Sam smiled sweetly at me. This is why I love her.

"Good idea," I nodded and walked in. I sat on her couch and she put on a movie. She went into her kitchen and brought some ice cream.

This put me in a better mood and I soon forgot about the bad feeling I had.

• • •


thanks for reading the very first chapter of my very first book!! you guys can also feel free to read my other book 'mine' and can follow me on twitter: _LittleeOnee

it's just a bunch of random stuff :P


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