Olli Maatta

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Like wow. Okay. Yeah. I enjoy this. Even though it's kind of boring until the end. I hope you like it. I would go more into detail but I have enough feels right now and sexy Olli is something I can't handle right now.


You were in the kitchen, making yourself a bowl of cereal. It was late on a Saturday night, your roommates all went out for the night since it was a three-day weekend but you wanted to stay home. There was something weird about going to parties without Olli. He always said it was fine, but you would rather just go to his place and watch movies if he had a game the next day. Neither of you were up for going out very often anyway.

You flipped through the cosmo magazine someone had left on the kitchen table, thankful it wasn't a politics book. This was one of the rare weekends you didn't have to study on a Saturday night. You were reading an article about why it's great to be in love. You're only 19, you have the rest of your life to be in love. You flipped through a few more pages wondering why people read these magazines.  You've always been more of a Sports Illustrated or Time magazine kind of person.

You turned on the small tv across the room, wondering if anything good was on at this hour. There were some Olympic highlights on and you stayed on that channel. They were showing the major things that had happened yesterday. It was mainly about the US losing 5-0 to Finland. As horrible as it was to see the boys sad, your face lit up when you saw the replays of all the goals scored in the game that would decide who would take home the bronze medal, remembering how you felt when Olli scored the fifth goal.

After a while you got bored with the highlights, you weren't all that interested in the winter olympics except for hockey. You flipped through the channel before finding an old rerun of Friends. The door opened and someone threw a bag on the ground, you didn't think anything about it until an all too familiar face showed up in the doorway.

"Olli!" You yelled as you ran to him, jumping into his arms, "I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow."

He kissed you, not breaking away for a few minutes. "I missed you. So much. I brought something back from Sochi." Olli set you down and lead you over to his bags, "Close your eyes." He said as he dug through the backpack he always seemed to have with him and grabbed something out of there. "You can open now."

He was holding a snowglobe, one with mountains. You guessed they were probably the ones in Sochi. "This is beautiful," you told him, "Thank you."

You both walked to your bedroom, finding a place with a few of the other snowglobes you had  before sitting at the foot of your bed.

"You did amazing, Olli. I wish I could have gone."

"Maybe next time." He said, grabbing your hand and kissing your temple. You're both 19. You never really thought about you two lasting that long, but the more you did, the more realistic it sounded.

"Yeah. We'll go celebrate tomorrow." 

Olli smiled before saying, "I thought we could celebrate tonight.." He kissed you roughly before climbing on top of you and playing with the hem of your shirt. 

If only this was how you celebrated every win his team had.

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