The Reaping

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This is a few weeks after the first chapter and its the night before the reaping... then it goes into the original story line.

Please comment and vote so I can tell if you guys like my story or not!


The arena was filled with rubble piles and dry dirt that when ever you walked you could hardly breathe. The dust clouds were so thick that I could hardly see when the wind blew

That means when I tried to see all of the others on their platform, I couldnt. I strained my eyes as I heard the countdown, and when it reached one I ran into the cloud of dust with the others. I knew that the gamemakers had knives there for me, but I couldnt see anything! I felt something jab my back. I whipped my head around as I fell to the ground onto my back shoving the knife even farther into me, and I screamed out in pain. At the same time I saw Cato throw a spear into the chest of the girl who literly stabbed me in the back. I almost blacked out but came to just as Cato was looking right into my eyes. His calming grey-blue eyes made me feel relaxed as I took, what I think was, my last breath.Then the whole world went blank, and all I could feel was the wind blowing around me.

I woke up sweaty and breathing hard. The dream I had felt so real and it scared me to death, because I felt like the gamemakers will have that arena this year!I realized that I must have been moving around a lot because all of my covers were scattered on my bedroom floor. I am in district 2 now back at home, but something doesnt feel right to me. After I make my bed and start walking to my balcony I realize what was missing, Cato. For the past 6 years we have been in the same building together, and I always felt safe when he was there. He was the only family that I trusted and really knew since I was 12, and now we were the farthest away from each other than we have EVER been. Now I feel insecure and scared. Just thinking of him makes my heart melt, and I dont completely understand why it does this yet!

When I step onto my balcony I can see all of the bright lights still on, and can hear all of the comotion below. 'They must be having a pre-reaping party already' I mumble to myself. Our district along with the other career districts always have street parties the night before the reaping, and the night after the reaping. It makes me feel sick that they are celebrating peoples death, even if our district won. I am going to kill because that is how you win the games but I will NOT be celebrating ANYONES death! As I look into the distance the sun hasnt even began to rise so I guess that its about 6am. I was too awake now so I stood outside until the sun did begin to rise. I then went in to take my last shower at my own home, and of course a VERY long one!

When I finally come out of the shower around 8:15 my mom is banging on the door telling me to hurry. Since I had only a half hour I found one of my prized possesioned gowns, it was one my father got me before he disapeared. My mother always told me that he began working in district 1 and they wont let him leave, but I dont believe her. I think that he tried to escape the capitals control and got caught, and then of course they killed him. The dress was the only thing that reminded me of him, and it is a beautiful white dress with a few sparkles and a golden belt around my waist!

I slipped it on, and grabbed my favorite golden 3 inch heels. Before I could put them on my door burst open and my mom came running in pushing me out the door, nearly knocking me over 3 times. I quickly slipped them on and grabbed some hair clips and ties. As my mom kept pushing me I clipped my hair up into a beatiful braided ponytail.

(10 mins later) It was only 5 mins until the reaping and my mom was already freaking out about how "bad" my hair looked. she kept saying "just let it down, you look amazing with it down!" But I didnt listen because I HATED my hair down! Just as I got away from my mom I got pushed into the 18 year old girl section and the ceremony started.

The really peppy escort(Amangela), the mayor, and one of district two's mentor took to the stage. First the mayor came up, then our mentor, and then Amangela with her high pitched squeeky voice. It made me want to throw a knife right into her! Because of the way she talked and acted! Of course they all talked on and on about how important the games were, and why we had them. blah, blah, blah. I zoned out on most of this.

It seemed like we stood there for hours listening to speeches and watching videos. Of course none of us 'children' ever payed attention, and I was looking around for Cato in the 18 year old male section. I think I was looking in the correct area, but didnt see him! I saw a few blondes, but I KNEW none if them were him. None of them had a defined jaw like he did, or the huge muscles like he did, or the sweet grey-blue eyes like his. I finally snapped out of it when I heard a name being called. This was MY cue!

I ran out into the walkway and yelled "wait... wait... I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute!!!" The girl tribute that I was volunteering for this year looked about 13, and she had NO muscle at all. She would not have lasted the first five mins of the games. I was glad to take her place. As I walked past her she bowed her head and said "thank you... you are very brave!" All I did was nod, and she was off running to her family. Each year the tributes that were pick did a similar thank you, even though they knew that they were NOT going into the games just yet!

I slowly stalked up onto the stage and looked out over the crowd as everyone clapped for me. All of their hands coming together at the same time, and the biggest smiles ever on their faces. I felt resentment towards everyone at this time, they were all happy for me to die! Amangela's voice rung out as she says "so, a volunteer again this year. what is your name young miss?" It took all of my strenth not to punch her in the face right at that time, I put on a fake smile and say "My name is Clove Brindfold" cheerily. I looked out farther into the crowd as Amangela called the boy tributes name, and caught a glimpse of Cato. His eyes wide and back strait. He did the exact same thing I did, but for a boy who looked about 15 or 16.

As Amangela kept talking she must have saw me look at Cato and Smile. Surprizingly Cato smiled back and Amangela said "Oh, do you two know each other?" We both gave eachother a look and then looked into the crowd. I felt my heart start racing and I started breathing heavy, and im pretty sure Cato felt the same way. We werent supose to tell them about training. I just said "Uh... uh... yeah we know each other." Cato saved me by saying "We talk a lot in school, and we always see each other around!" I was really relieved when he said this and smiled at me, I think he knew I was nervous. I smiled back and nodded a thanks. We were both brought back when Amangela shoved our hands together and said "Come on you two, shake hands now!"

The crowd cheered as we shook hands and as I took his hand I felt a spark. The spark I felt was so much stronger than it had when we were training together, and I knew that I had to tell him soon. We put our best fake smiles on that we could. We looked out into the crowd as people took pictures of us. I noticed that many people were crying out of happiness that their child didnt get picked, unless they were scared for US. I could never tell with these peoples expressions.

We were shoved backwards into a hallway, and before I could say anything to Cato we were separated. I finally built up enough courage to tell him I liked him, but I never got the chance. All I have been doing this morning was being pushed around everywhere by EVERYONE! We were both put in different rooms to wait for people to visit us before we left. As I waited I felt relieved that I finally had some time alone, and I kept questioning myself is I should tell Cato how I felt or not. This building up inside of me will have to come out sometime, and I knew just when. I would say something during my interview before the games! Then the whole world would know how I felt and Cato will, hopefully, tell the world how he felt about me. Even if he didnt like me I would at least know how he felt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tell me if you think these chapters are too short! I am really trying to make them long! - Please VOTE and COMMENT to let me know how you like it!!!

Next chapter coming soon!!! <3 u guys!

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