Chapter 4: Is this a Date?

Start from the beginning

You packed a small amount of money, just enough to eat and buy a small keepsake, and made your way to the station. It was bustling with the normal turbulent frenzy of rush hour. It didn't help that you were both fairly short. How on earth were you going to find him in this chaotic mess? But just as you wondered that, you spotted his improperly cinched red tie through a hole in the crowd. You excused yourself politely as you pushed strangers aside.

"Hey!" You greeted, grabbing his arm so the sea of human bodies wouldn't sweep him away like the tide.

"Hi." He regarded you, eyeballing you up and down. "You look amazing." He stated diffidently, his hands finding their way into his pockets.

You made a face. "Thanks. Glad you were wearing this by the way," you pointed to his red tie, "or else I might have never found you."

"Yeah. I kept my school uniform on so I would be easier to spot."

"Good thinking. You're a smart cookie, Izuku." You smiled, pulling him around the corner towards the train. "By the way, do you want to go straight to the festival or do you want to get food first?"

"Food please." He said with absolutely no hesitation.

"Okay. I know a great little place on the way. It's a few stops before the beach."

"Sounds good." He agreed as you boarded the cramped vehicle.

"Really? I didn't even tell you what kind of food it is." You teased, surprised at how easily he would just go with the flow. "How do you even know if you'll like it?"

"I'm not picky." He insisted. "Eh?" Both of you were abruptly smushed together by the massive horde of riders.

"Uh..." Was all you could say as your chest met his, noses way too close together. 'This would be a tad less compromising if he was a little bit taller.' Your eyes locked together for a moment. "Well this is- uh... cozy." You stated awkwardly, trying to break the silence. Midoriya's expression was pained, as if he would rather die than be stuck in this embarrassing position for the next 20 minutes. He decided that the best course of action would be to stare straight up at the ceiling. You observed his face up close, watching him grow more and more fidgety by the second. Without warning you were startled by a familiar loud growl. Its ferocity rumbled through you. Midoriya looked down at his stomach in self-conscious dismay. You took one glimpse at his disturbed expression and snorted. You both broke into another dopey outpour of giggles.

"Sorry." He chuckled.

"It's okay. I will feed you soon." You replied, speaking directly to his stomach with a prodding finger. He muffled his laughter with his hand, trying to be courteous to the other passengers. He smiled merrily at you, dimples appearing on his freckled cheeks. It was hard to figure out why several people you met had called him "plain looking." His amiable unsuspicious green eyes and boyish round face were nothing but appealing to you. Not to mention his unkempt playful curls. All these traits were far too consistent with the immeasurable guiltlessness of his character. After noticing this, there didn't seem to be a trace of discomfort in you regarding Midoriya's proximity. You decided to speak again, seeing the awkwardness from before had passed.

"So since you didn't change clothes, what did you end up doing after school?"

"Oh, I still went home and said 'hi' to mom and dropped off my backpack." He said matter of factly.

"Oof!" You were knocked off balance by the jerking stop. "Oh! This is us!" You grabbed him by the arm again and led him off the train.

"Mmm. Something smells good." Izuku purred with desire. The decadent spicy aroma filled your nostrils as well, making your mouth water.

"Yes. That's where we're going. They're known for their chicken."

Midoriya scarfed his food faster than an angry bear.

"Slow down, Deku. We have plenty of time." Your eyes were wide with shock.

"Sorry- hic-" He had the decency to finish the bite before continuing. "I just didn't have lunch and-"

"Wait. You told me brought your lunch today." You argued suspiciously. He froze.

"Yeah... I uh... packed my lunchbox but – uh... forgot my lunch..." He began to fumble with his chopsticks. You laughed at him.

"You're so silly, Izuku." 

I warned you about the fluff, didn't I? Well there is an absurd amount in the next chapter.

Hee hee... I made Star Wars references because the manga author makes them. (Regina George wore army pants and flip flops so I bought army pants and flip flops.)

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now