*Frank's POV*
It was currently 11:30. Me and Gerard couldn't sleep. He left the room to go to the bathroom. That was half an hour ago. I was starting to get restless, and was getting worried. I moved out of his bed, hearing it creak at my movements. I got off, and tiptoed my way to the door. As I opened it, I heard soft sobs that were almost completely quiet. I followed them to the kitchen, where sitting at a barstool at the counter, was Gerard. He had a mug of coffee, and his head on his arms. He was crying. I walked up to him. He either didn't hear me, or just ignored my presence. I hoped it wasn't the latter. I put my hand on his shoulder, and his sobs got worse. I knew that if he didn't stop soon, he would wake the others up. "Sshhh, its okay Gee. Calm down" I cooed, hoping it would help. After a few minutes, his crying still hasn't ceased. That's when I felt really bad. I didn't know what to do. "Frank?" He murmured through his tears. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "Why d-did she h-have t-t-to go?" I didn't know what to say. He turned around, and before I knew it, he had his arms wrapped around my waist. I looked down at him, and a tear fell. His long brown hair was put up messily, and he had his face buried in my chest. More tears fell out of my eye sockets, dripping down to his hair. I put my arms around his shoulders. I eventually helped him up, and I walked with him to his room. I moved the covers over, and helped him into the bed. He scooted over and patted the spot next to him. I took off my T-shirt and left myself in just my pajama pants. I climbed in and snuggled into his chest. He whimpered a bit, and I looked up. "Are you okay?" I asked. He opened his eyes, "I just miss her" he explained. "Well, I miss Jams. But, you know what? Sometimes, you have to let go of the past. But you will be happy again. Its what she would have wanted, for you to be happy. No matter what..." My words drifted away as I felt a pair of soft, yet somewhat chapped lips connect to mine. I instantly melted into the kiss, our lips moving in sync. I broke away a few moments later, needing to breath. I let out the breath, and cuddled into his abdomen once more. He stroked my hair with one hand, whilst I held the other. "I love you too." I spoke. He looked down while I looked up at him. He smiled, a genuine smile. "I love you Frankie." He closed his eyes, still playing with my hair. I fell asleep holding his fingers to my heart, and him playing with the greasy strands of hair on my head...

Sun dudes, I'm back. Short chapter I know. Its just a filler chapter, and I will be back on track with the real chapters later on this week. I hope you had a good day, and if you didn't, just remember tomorrow is another day. It will be better. I love you guys

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