Ch. 14- My Elf Puppet

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Yami: Looks like I'm gonna write this chapter, and Carmen little elf will be my puppet.

Me: He's an Hylain Yami, gosh I'm not gonna argue with you Yami *Get up and leave.* 

Yami: Oh will, more fun for me remeber to vote and comment you bitches. 


Link p.o.v 

I Went back home after a long day of training and while I was walking I saw shadows appearing and I pulled out my master sword and shield to defend myself.

"Man what a day, can't wait to go home and relax." I saw a group of shadows figures coming up to me. "I don't know where you guys came from but if you want to battle then come on." "Get Elf boy for master." "Hey I take that an offensive and I'm not an Elf I'm a HYLAIN!!" I killed the first group of shadows and more started to come. "I thought this place was peaceful, but don't matter I'll every one shadows that is there. because My name is Link The hero." "Get elf boy, get elf boy..." I took out my bow and arrow and shot them but one of them hit me and I feel and about to get up but one kick me and kick my sword and I saw two shadows figures grabbing me by the arms tight and I was struggling to brake free from their grip but I keep trying. Until that's when I saw him and growl at him. 


Yami p.o.v

I walk out of the shadows then I saw him struggling my shadows grip and then I went up to him and smiled. 

"Let go of me!!" "Will, will look who it is my elf friend." "Me friends with you as if and don't make me laugh. and I swear I'll brake free from there grip and killed you myself." "Oh i'm so harsh, not and no you won't." I punch him and then slap him across the face and I kick him. "What's the matter I thought your name is Link the hero, but it looks like your pathetic hero. Your new name is Link The pathetic Hero how about that.." I laughed at him and then I saw a shadow figure pulling his hair to look at me and I look at him deep in his eyes and grab his chin. "You'll be doing non of your heroic stuff Link, because you'll be doing what I tell you to do and what are your tasks for now on." "Wh- What do you mean by that..." I put my hand on his forehead and then did a dark spell on him. "By the dark power that I possess I Yami make Link into my Elf Puppet to get the Goddess of Light which is Carmen.." "You'll never getting her... what's going on.. no... NOOOOO!!" "Raise my puppet, hmm you'll get used to it, now your first task is to get Carmen the  goddess of light." "Yes my master.. what ever you say.." I walk to my house and he followed me and I left his master sword and master shield there and left a note for Carmen to see. "Soon Carmen you'll be here and I'm using the elf boy on you to get closer to you and to your power that you hold.." 


Yami: Whats up people, there you go Ch.14 made Link into my puppet so I own him now carmen.

Me: That sound wrong Yami

Yami: Hey shut up.

Me: No you shut up, don't mess with me right now.

Link: Easy love you can't get mad it will do damage to the baby. 

Yami: Baby!!! 

Me: *See Syra* oh look at the time remember to vote and comment everyone *Hides behind onee-Chan.* 

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