'Oh, so was I her replacement?' I reacted rather badly. 'You're lucky I didn't turn on you like she did.'

I remembered back to Oliver and Diggle's conversation about a Helena Bertinelli when I had first started training with them, and how she had double-crossed them because Oliver had thought he could help her and stop her from killing her own father. I had mixed her up with the Helena I knew, Helena Cadent, when they had talked about this new Helena, as I had been hopeful of her return, but now, I hated that she had returned just to betray me.

I guessed Helenas had a talent for double-crossing their 'friends'.

'Anyway, the police report lists the stiff's name, the guy in the video, as Gus Sabatoni,' Diggle brought us back to the subject at hand.

'It's Bertinelli's lawyer,' Oliver deduced quickly that Helena had attacked her father's attorney. 'Why would she come back to Starling City just for him? It's not like he did a good job; her father's serving consecutive life sentences without parole.'

'Come on, Oliver, we both knew this was just a matter of time,' Diggle said, the voice of reason. 'You tried to help her, you couldn't. Now the only question is how long before she drops a dime on you, me, Aria, this whole operation?'

'She didn't even meet me!' I exclaimed rashly.

'She soon will, if we don't act now,' Diggle informed me rather too casually when talking about some other criminal who would threaten my life, like the Renegades, like the mysterious Prometheus.

'Okay,' Oliver muttered, setting off to leave the Arrowcave. 'I want you to get in touch with our contacts in the Bratva, talk to anyone on the street, figure out where Helena is and why she's back. Aria, you can do the same, but after we've opened the club - I haven't seen Tommy all day.'

'He was there all morning,' I raised an eyebrow at Oliver. 'But come to think of it, he did leave just before you got here.'

'I think he's avoiding me,' Oliver confided in us. 'But, this isn't a good time for him to be falling out with me. We need someone to manage the club, right now.'

'Okay,' Diggle now accepted his orders. 'But Oliver-'

'Dig, if Helena is- if she's here, she's here for a reason,' Oliver spun round back to his friend. 'And if that's not Frank Bertinelli, we need to know what she has planned.'

'Okay,' Diggle answered again, we both watching as Oliver left us.

'To say he's only just woken up, he is really irritable,' I commented as soon as we were alone.

'Maybe he got up on the wrong side of the bed,' Diggle supposed humorously. 'But now I need to pay a visit to the Bratva.'

'Good luck,' I wished him with a grimace.

'And good luck to you with the club,' Diggle wished back with a grin. 'Just remember to keep fire extinguishers on standby this time.'

It didn't take long for Oliver to come back, and in an angry rampage.

'She was in my house,' Oliver hissed at Diggle and me as he joined us at the bar area, just after Diggle had helped me unload a large batch of liquor bottles into the storage room. 'She made a not-so-little threat. I want security around my mother and my sister.'

Helena Bertinelli had paid a brief but frightening visit to the Queen house, cozying up to Thea and Moira and threatening Oliver deviously.

'I'm way ahead of you, man,' Diggle was speedily taking care of something on his phone.

'Thank you-,' Oliver said in a hushed voice as Diggle put his device to his ear.

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