" You excited? ", he asked Kym.

" Yeah, I miss my home country ", Kym said reminiscing on the fun summers she spent in Jamaica.

" You know yo' ugly ass brother and best friend finna act like fools ", Shyne told her.

Ever since it was revealed that Sincere and Kym were siblings, Shyne had been grilling them.

" That's your cousin tho, and leave my girlfriend outta this ", she said referring to Tamika.

" Yeah yeah whatever, I can't wait till we get out there. I got a surprise for you ", he told her with a smile.

" What is it? ", Kym asked immediately. She loved surprises but hated having to wait to find out about them.

" Shidddd, you'll see ", he told her with a smirk.

By 9am, the whole gang were all boarded on the family's private jet.

" Ouuuu dis nice ", Naija said looking around in awe.

" Shit, you ain't seen mine tho baby ", Chase gloated playfully.

" Boy stop it, you know you don't got no jet ", Tammie said making the Cardi B face. Chase smacked his lips and everyone laughed at him.

" Yeoooo, I'm tired. Wake me up when we in JA. Give me my god babies too they tired ", She said referring to Kash and Zyon.

The mothers happily handed over their kids as Kym held Kash by his hand and held Zyon against her chest. She then disappeared into the back making the whole plane go silent for a moment.

" Yoo, Kym not dumb how we gone do this? ", Tammie spoke in a hushed tone.

" I'on know, Sin you spoke to yo pops right? ", Shyne asked Sincere who nodded in response.

" Yeah , he set everything up. We good to go. We just need to do our part ", Sincere told him. Shyne nodded in agreement.

" Oh my god, I can't wait to see her face. Somebody record that Shit ", Kain snickered.

" Hell yeah, send that Shit to Shaderoom and get mad views ", Candy chimed.

" You need to stay up off Instagram ", Rashad added his 2 cents.

" If I tell you what you need to stay up off we gone fight, so shut ya mouth ", She clapped back at him making everyone choke on laughter.

While the group were sitting and laughing, Shyne pulled Sin to the side.

" Man, I'm so damn stressed out. I love this girl so damn much bro. I just hope it goes to plan ", Shyne sighed.

" You told her yet? ", Sincere asked him.

" Nah man , Ion know how she finna take this ", Shyne rubbed his hand down his face.

" I hope sis take this alright ", Sincere said with a sigh.

" Yeah me too, just hold it down ", Shyne told him.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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