Chapter 31: I'm Home

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"Because what Amu?" asked Ikuto.

"Because…." She knew what to say, but she didn't want to say it. "Because I…." she wanted him to leave and this was the only way. "I don't….I don't love you anymore Ikuto!" she told him.

"…" That was it. It was like the world suddenly froze over. Ikuto couldn't believe his own two ears. Was she…serious? "Amu…what are you…" he didn't know what to say, he didn't even know what to do…

"You heard me Ikuto….I don't….love you…" she told him again.

His world seemed to break to pieces, every time she said it. Unknown to him, she was also breaking herself. Every time she said those words to him, she could feel herself breaking.

Ikuto didn't know what to say or do, he just stood there frozen. He couldn't take it. Did she really not love him anymore? Did she really not care? It all dawned to him so quickly….but then it happened.

Tears, he saw them, fresh tears forming on her honey eyes. He blinked a few times and then he finally realized what was happening here. "So that's what she's been trying to do…" he thought to himself.

"Amu…" started Ikuto. He walked closer to her, until the point where Amu's back hit the huge tree behind her. Because she was too preoccupied with stepping beck every time Ikuto stepped forward, she eventually made contact with the tree…typical Amu.

"W-what are you doing Ikuto?" asked Amu.

As Ikuto came closer, he placed both his hands on both sides of the tree, therefore, cornering Amu, and she now had no escape. "You know Amu…" he said slowly as his face got closer to hers "You're a very bad liar…"

"W-what do you m-mean l-liar?" asked Amu stuttering.

"Do you really mean what you say?" asked Ikuto "That you don't love me?"

"Y-yes! Why wouldn't I?" asked Amu, her face was beat red now because Ikuto was close to her.

"Really now? Then why are you blushing? Or stuttering for that matter? Care to explain it to me?" he asked her.

"I-I…." Amu didn't know what to say, she was at a dead end. "Why won't you believe me? I already told you that I don't lov…."

Ikuto didn't let her finish before he cut her off. "No, you do Amu. I know you do." He told her seriously.

"No I don't! Not anymore!" said Amu in disagreement.

"Then why?" asked Ikuto as he looked at her.

"Why what?" asked Amu.

"Why are you crying?" Ikuto asked her and he watched as Amu's eyes suddenly widened in shock…

"Crying…?" she muttered. Then she realized he was right. She could feel it now, her tears flowing out. And the worst part was, she couldn't stop it. Amu tried to make it stop, she didn't want to cry now, not in front of Ikuto. She wanted it to stop, but for some reason, she couldn't do it.

Ikuto smiled softly and she placed one of his hands on the side of her cheek. He wiped her tears away and spoke "You know, it's not possible for you not to love me anymore….because you told me you did. You wrote it in your letter, that you loved me…even if I am a perverted cat…"

"…" Amu looked at Ikuto and she cried even more. She then remembered what she wrote on that letter and she cried even more.

"Shhh…everything's okay now…I'm here." Ikuto told her, before pulling her into a warm embrace.

Amu just continued to cry, she cried in his embrace, but now, she didn't care. She broke so easily around him, it felt as if she were so weak, but that okay. "It's okay to feel this way…as long as it's Ikuto…it's okay…" she thought to herself as she continued to cry in his arms.

When I Met You (An Amuto Love Story) ♬♥~Complete~♥♬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ