Welcome To My House

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Sorry I had to use that title XD

Levis POV

After 10 minutes of walking we arrived at her house.
"Hey, I'm Levi by the way" I was so nervous to say that.
"Hi Levi, I'm Hanji!" She gave a massive smile then.
So cute!
We entered her house. It was a normal home on a normal street. It had a short corridor with a mirror and had a curvy staircase at the end of it.

"You have a nice house Hanji" I said looking around impressed.

"Levi, I'd be quiet if I were you"


"My Dad will hear you and he will go mad if he sees I have brought a random guy into our house"
She looked very nervous then.

"Oh ok, I'll be quite" I whispered and winked which made her giggle a bit.

"Follow me upstairs" she then snuck of to the curvy stairs and I followed her up.

She silently crept past a door with the words 'KEEP OUT!' on it.
I also quickly whipped past the door.

"Ok in here" she said opening a brown door that said 'HANJI ZOËs ROOM! DRUMMING SCIENCE IN PROGRESS!!!' Oh so she likes science...... I think?!

"Do you like science by any chance?"

"Yep I got full grades in all my tests at school!"


As I walked into her Drummingly decorated room I saw she was setting up her bed. Her bed happened to have special bits on the legs that made it either higher or lower. She was making it higher.

"Ok can you fit under here?" She gestured to under the bed. I went over and easily got under.

"Yep I'm definitely small enough!"

She then got a blanket at put it over were I was sleeping so it made an under-bed-fort.

"Go to sleep its now..... Half 1!"

5 minutes later I heard the bed moving. I looked out of the fort and looked on the bed. She was already sound asleep!
She looked like the real sleeping beauty!
I then went to sleep myself.

Hanjis POV

Walking with this guy is nice. I wonder what his name s.........
"Hey, my names Levi by the way"
Holy crap! Did he just read my mind!

"Hi Levi, I'm Hanji!" I then gave him a massive smile.
We then walked into my house.

"You have a nice house Hanji" He said.
Aww he has feelings!

"Levi, I'd be quiet if I were you" I said quietly.


"My Dad will hear you and he will go mad if he sees I have brought a random guy into our house"
She looked very nervous then.

"Oh ok, I'll be quite" He whispered and winked which made me giggle a bit.

"Follow me upstairs" I then walked of to the curvy stairs and he followed me like a little puppy.
He's so cuuutteeee!!!!!!

I silently crept past a door with the words 'KEEP OUT!' on it.

"Ok in here" I said walking into a room with a brown door that said 'HANJI ZOËs ROOM! DRUMMING SCIENCE IN PROGRESS!!!'

"Do you like science by any chance?" He asked.

"Yep I got full grades in all my tests at school!"


I walked into my madly decorated room I started setting up my bed. Luckily my bed has special bits on the legs that made it either higher or lower. I was making it higher for Levi to fit under.

"Ok can you fit under here?" I pointed under my bed.

"Yep I'm definitely small enough!" He said happily.

I then got a blanket at put it over were he was sleeping so it made an under-bed-fort. I made them all the time with my nieces and nephews!

I told Levi to go to sleep. I put the blanket over his sleeping area and then got into my pyjamas every 5 seconds checking the bed so that he wasn't watching me.

I then got into bed, took of my glasses and took my hair down. I put my glasses on my desk and lay my head on my pillow and went to sleep.

Levis POV

She's so pretty when she's sleeping.
As I was admiring her I heard loud thudding and shouting from (I'm guessing) the other room.

"Your..........a bastard.............go die........I'll tell Hanji..........abuse.........her!!!!"

Abuse who?! HANJI!!!! oh no. The door then opened, I ducked back under the bed, I could just see from the end of the bed.
The door opened, the door closed.

That was close! I went to sleep after that.

Hanjis POV

All I heard was:
"Your..........a bastard.............go die........I'll tell Hanji..........abuse.........her!!!!"
time because I'm gonna put all the chapters I've done into one.

I hope that made sense.
Ok baiiiiiiii 👋

Ive noticed some mistakes sorry if there is anything wrong in this.

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