First Song

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Hanjis POV

Ok now I know were I remember him from we can start to play the songs.

Song one - Christa Perinas version of Beauty and the beast
Seen as the new movie came out recently

The music's starting

Song lyrics will be in italic writing.

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change
More to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast

And I'm hoping you know the rest.
End sing lyrics

I drum slowly in a slow 4 beat rhythm. I also sing along for a bit until the next song. Which is her newer one called 'Casual Disco'.

It so good it has an amazing beat to it and its my best piece to drum to!!!

Levis POV

Ok is it bad that Christa Perinas version of beauty and the beast makes my get tears cus its such a beautiful song!!!!!


Ok now what's next? Oh yes thats it! Her new song 'Casual Disco'! Its so good its an awesome rhythm and its lively and bouncy!!!

Erwins raving.

Moblit is just standing there singing.

Petra's is dancing with Oulou.

And Rico has her hands over her ears yelling like a pissed of teacher!

And I'm singing along cus why not!

I stand by the road,
Watching the cars go by,
I listen to my songs,
That are blaring through my headphones,
Then I start to dance,
My feet tap,
My hips shake,
And I dance to my casual disco!

Ok, now Erwin is madly shaking like he's way to high on sugar and crack!
I'm still singing and so is Moblit!

Wwwoooaaahhhhh!!!!!! That new drummer girl is amazing!!! Shes going all over the drum kit but its sounding great!

I cheer her on yelling 'GO INSANE!' because when I first saw her she drummed to a song called 'I'm Insane'

I think she noticed cus right then she looked me in the eyes and smiled the biggest smile ever then her drum solo came!!!!!
I almost died! She was so beautiful and amazing up there!!!

Hanjis POV

The music's on!!!!!! YES MY FAVOURITE SONG OF CHRISTA'S!!!!

I stand by the road,

Drum beat one *FLAM*

Watching the cars go by,

Drum beat two *FLAM*

I listen to my songs,

Drum beat three *FLAM*
Now just drum a simple 4 beat rhythm!

That are blaring through my headphones,
Then I start to dance,
My feet tap,
My hips shake,
And I dance to my casual disco,

Now my drum sequence gets a bit confusing right here.

Ok now: flam, flam, tom, low tom, 4 bar beat, crash, high-hat, bass, and lastly snare drum!

Ok ppls Auther-Chan actually plays the drums!!!!!!! So don't be confused! Also that would sound rlly bad in reality on the drums!

I keep going on my 4 beat until..... The guy who I recognised from earlier is singing and watching me yelling 'GO INSANE' which I understood!
I just give him a big grin and carried on my drumming. But this time with a little more OOMF on my drum solo! WHOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!

Levis POV

She's amazing!

Hanjis POV

He's amazing!


I think I'm in love again!!!!!!

Haiiiiii guys it Auther-Chan! And I just want to say that school work has got worse so if I don't post much you now know why!

Ok another note; all of the drumming references like *FLAM, high-hat, tom*  are all because I play the drums and I wanted to add it in.

This story is mainly for my friend who cosplays Hanji and I cosplay Levi.

I wanted to add my love of music to this story so here you go.

Ok then baiiiiii ppls!!!!
•A•  (≧▽≦)x (^o^)丿

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