Last Night On Earth

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[Song: Last Night On Earth by Green Day]

The scientists were in a predicament: tell everyone they're about to die or let them all go without knowing. There was only a week left. Originally they planned to keep it quiet in order to not cause mass panic but someone leaked the information and the news soon got ahold of the information. 

It was the next day that the first broadcast went out. They had a once in a lifetime headline: "METEOR THE SIZE OF SATURN FOUND HURTLING TOWARDS THE EARTH AT A RAPID PACE."

That day changed everyone's lives. Those with religions prayed every given second. Those without just had to hope. There were people that didn't believe it would happen at all; those who lived in panic; and those who made the most of their time.

Ian and Max decided to go with the third option.

They currently lay in a grassy field by Max's house, staring at the clouds. They wanted to take this time to just relax and watch the clouds, like they would when they were kids.

Max and Ian had been best friends as long as they could remember. They thought there was no better people to spend their last days with than each other.

But as time when on, feelings began to blossom as they tend to do. Ian had a hopeless crush on Max for years. He was planning on telling Max before the end since that'd be their last time together but he was, as you would say, a pussy.

So here they sat, silent and in thought. Until one broke the silence.

"I can't believe it," Max said quietly.

"Me neither," Ian replied.

"Maybe it'll be like 2012 all over again where everyone though the world would end but it didn't," Max reasoned.

Ian shook his head, "that wasn't like this. This time there's proof of the end."

Max sighed, "I'm gonna miss you, man."

Ian laughed, "You won't miss me, we'll both be gone." Max laughed as well. "I'll miss you anyway," Ian sighed.

Max turned to look at him. "Don't get emotional on me. We have now and we'll take this time and do what we can with it." 

It was too late for getting emotional.

A tear ran down Ian's cheek. He tried to wipe it before Max saw but he already had.

"Ian, come on. If you cry, I'm going to cry and then we'll just be sad." Tears welled up in Max's eyes as he watched a few more stray tears fall from Ian's eyes.

"I can't help it," Ian said as he tried to wipe them. "This is the last day, Max. Time is running out and there's still something I never got to do."

"Then do it."

Ian looked at Max. Was he really about to confess his feelings for him right then and there? Would he just kiss him and risk Max reacting badly. Max could react negatively no matter what he did. There was no way he could possibly do it.

"I can't," Ian said after his small mental debate.

"Why not?" Max asked.

Ian tried his best to come up with an excuse but couldn't come up with one that would make any sort of sense. "It isn't even that important. Let's go do something."

"What do you wanna do then?"

Ian thought for a minute, what could be left for them to do? "Fuck, I don't know, Max. Let's just walk and think about what to do."

Max agreed and the duo began walking. They walked in comfortable silence.

Soon they found themselves walking down a path to a secret spot in the woods they had found as kids and made a sacred place for the two. It was a quiet clearing deep in the woods that was hard to find, yet you couldn't miss it once you saw it.

"This place..." Max sighed.

"Our place," Ian added.

"Yeah, our special little place," Max nodded.

Ian looked over at Max. The wind caught Max's hair and blew it back gently, revealing the boy's calm, yet beautiful face. Ian couldn't help but to stare at the sight.

"Hey Ian," Max said suddenly as he turned to Ian.

"Yeah?" Ian questioned.

"You tell me everything, right?" Max asked.

"You know me better than I know myself," Ian nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"You've never dated anyone or told me about liking anyone, and you've never told me about hooking up with anyone," Max said.

"Well yeah, I've never been with anyone in any way. Why are you bringing it up?"

"That means you're a virgin," Max started. "We both are. And we've never really kissed anyone."

Ian could feel his heart begin to speed up. "What are you suggesting, Max?"

Max didn't answer, instead he moved closer to Ian and kissed him.

Ian felt as if the whole world had stopped and nothing mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered was Max's lips on his. He was getting what he had wanted for years and it was even better than he could have ever hoped.

Max pulled back slowly. "I was really expecting you to punch me or some shit."

Ian laughed, "You don't even realise how fucking long I've wanted to kiss you, Max."

Max blushed, "you should have, I've wanted to for a while now."

"I didn't think you like me back," Ian smiled.

"Guess you were wrong. I wish we would've known we liked each other early so we could have had more time together," Max sighed.

"Yeah..." Ian agreed.

"But we have now," Max said as he confidently took Ian's hand. "And we'll make the most of our last night on Earth."

Ian smiled wider than he ever had before, "Then let's do it."


I couldn't figure out a proper ending but I think that's alright. Let me know what you think.

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