They looked from Kakashi to the picture then seeing the similarities.

"Hey there's Iruka sensei!" Naruto pointed out.

"Your birthday parties looked so fun!" Sakura shouted as they flipped through more pictures of her party.  "Aw is that you and sensei Izuka??" She pointed to a picture of the two outside her house and he was giving her something.

"Yeah, it was on my eighth birthday. Kakashi was late so he missed the party but we took a walk. He gave me this necklace for a birthday present." She pointed out her necklace. Kakashi noticed that it wasn't even faded or scratched; Izuka kept good care of it over the past years.

"How did you take that picture?" Kakashi questioned knowing it could've have been a clone who took it. Izuka didn't have a lot of chakra at that age."

"I had someone else take it." She said quickly obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"Aw I didn't know sensei could be sweet." Sakura squealed looking between the two.

"Izuka, where am I?" Naruto questioned as he flipped through more pages.

"And me?" Sasuke joined in.

"You guys are in the family album."


"Well because I raised you Naruto and Sasuke is family plus you guys are the brothers never had."

She took out the family album and flipped to some pages.

"See, here you guys are. There's me and Sasuke sleeping together after I babysat him. There are baby pictures of both of them."

"Awe they look so cute," Sakura cooed as she gushed over baby Sasuke.

"They were the cutest."

"They knew each other when they were little?" Sakura asked pointing to a picture of Naruto and Sasuke fighting over a toy.

"Yeah when I was taking care of Naruto I had to watch Sasuke so they played together but obviously they don't remember."

Izuka brought out a picture and in the picture were Sasuke and Naruto at age three playing.

"I don't believe it," Sasuke scoffed not wanting to be associated with Naruto.

"Well you should because you both took up so much of my time I hardly saw anyone."

That whole time they spent at Izuka's, Kakashi kept glancing at Izuka out of worry. He's been worried about her since she reappeared. He, unlike any of his Genin, noticed her lifeless eyes and emotionless façade. After a while they looked around Izuka's house and Naruto went into her room. He looked around and saw some more pictures on the nightstand. They were in frames so he brought them out.

"Hey Izuka, who are these people?" Naruto asked.

Everyone went over to Naruto and looked at the pictures.

"One of them is a picture of me with Kakashi's team. There's Obito, Rin, me, and Kakashi, behind us is the fourth Hokage, Minato. The next one is of me and my team Kiru and Hiro." She explained.

"What about the last one?" Naruto asked holding up the last one which made Kakashi stare at Izuka wanting to see how she'd react.

"Nothing, they're all dead. It just brings up horrible memories" Izuka said snatching the picture away of three particular people.

The picture was of a young girl with short brown hair and bright blue eyes with an inviting smile. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt with a black skirt and a necklace with a red half of a heart.  Next to her was a young boy with black raven hair that looked like he just got out of bed with a goofy grin on his face and dark onyx eyes which held happiness in them lastly was a boy who looked like the other but had longer hair that went in his face with eyes that were emotionless but he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Izuka? When you were little you always smiled and were outgoing but now you haven't visited me in five years. What happened to you?" Naruto asked.

Izuka was silent for a few minutes regretting going through these albums. They brought up memories she wanted to forget about.

"Nothing you should worry about." She replied then grabbed the frames from Naruto.

 "Uh well Izuka, it's pretty late and we have mission to do tomorrow so we'll go." Kakashi said breaking the silence knowing she wanted to be alone.

"Okay, it was nice seeing you guys again. I'll see you around the village." Izuka replied.

They all left saying goodbye and went to their own homes. Izuka was heading towards her room carrying her albums and picture frames. She sealed all the albums she had in a scroll and put it on her dresser next to a necklace container. She walked into the living room to clean up and stopped where the two swords were hung on the wall.

Staring at a particular, Itachi's sword. The one he impaled her with that terrible night. No matter how hard she tried to remember, her memories were fuzzy and she was unable to recall what happened; only bits and pieces. 

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