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"So, have you explored the boardwalk yet?" Marko inquired.

"Actually, no, I haven't. The first day I moved here, I shopped around the boardwalk and that's about it. I've been hanging around the comic book shop lately." [Name] admitted after thinking about his question. It was true, she's only been to about two shops before being caught up with the Frog brothers.

"Seriously? There?" Marko scoffed, and [Name] felt as if he was referring to the comic shop and the Frog Brothers.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" She asked, feeling a bit defensive as she gripped the book in her hands. Sure, the Frog brothers were eccentric, but they were also her only friends here.

"Nothing, Nothing. They've just fell off their rocker a couple times is all I'm saying!" Marko jeered, a big smirk adorning his face.

While [Name] felt a bit agitated at Marko's comment, she decided to change the subject, "So, we know I'm new, but how long have you lived in Santa Carla?"

The two of them were walking through the crowd, and [Name] wasn't quite sure where they were heading but she felt compelled to follow him.

"I've been here for a very long time." Marko replied, and the two passed by the various games and rides of the boardwalk.

"Oh, does it ever get boring living in the same area for so long?" [Name] questioned, feeling a bit curious. She never lived in the same area too long because her father's job required her to move so often. To this day, she isn't quite sure what her father did for a living.

But she felt she would be in Santa Carla for a very long time, especially since her mom wants to settle down somewhere with her new husband.

It just made [Name] feel so conflicted towards her mother, why would she choose Santa Carla out of all places? This place had so memories of her father, who would occasionally come up here for work-related stuff and bring the family along.

"No, never boring, at least not here in Santa Carla. You see new faces everyday, and something exciting is always happening. It's like the night never ends." Marko explained to [Name] in a devious tone. She felt as if there was a hidden meaning in his sentence and she was missing it.

"Oh, so uh...where are we heading?" [Name] questioned once again, and she felt like a pest for constantly asking the curly haired blond so many questions.

"The Giant Dipper! I hope you aren't too scared of heights." Marko announced, and [Name] felt like her soul left her body.

Truthfully, she hasn't had much experience with roller coasters, and her fear of heights was exorbitant.

"I'm petrified." [Name] admitted with a nervous chuckle.

To Marko, it was obvious what tactics [Name] used to calm herself down, especially when she sounds like the Joker.

"It's fine, there's a lot more blood-curling things in Santa Carla than the Giant Dipper." Marko reassured with a laugh, which led [Name] to believe the teen was taunting her rather than being comforting towards her.

The two reached the extensive line for the Giant Dipper, and sadly, they were behind the rest of the bozos of Santa Carla.

"Ugh, I hate waiting in lines." [Name] grumbles in disdain, even if the line wasn't anything compared to the ones in Disneyland.

However, some locals began to leave the line after noticing her appearance along with Marko. If there was one thing her father complimented her on, it was her observation skills, and it seemed like the locals were unnerved by Marko.

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